Hi All, I traveled to USA about couple of years ago as a tourist, faced to an accident and was taken to the hospital. I moved to USA as a permanent resident about 3 months ago and got letters from 2 collection agencies about that previous hospital bill. I did not have any idea about this bill and did not even know they are charging for hospitalization. So I spoke to the Original creditor (Hospital) and agreed to pay 50$/month. At the same time I wrote to the collection agencies that I'm dealing with the original creditor and not ready to deal with them. I checked my experian credit report on 2 days ago came to know that a CA called 'NCO/ FIN' has put an entry against my name about 2 years ago. The account is on 'Closed' status. This is related to the hospital bill and who should I need to speak with. Can I ask from the hospital to get the case back from CA since I'm paying to the hospital or shoul I need to speak to the CA? I think I have posted this question to so many forums but did not get any proper feedback. Please answer this question
I didn't even know that non-citizens can have a U.S. credit report and/or be pursued by collection agencies here. Since non-citizens cannot get bank loans, credit cards, etc. here, I fail to see the value of "good credit" in that situation. I'm surprised you agreed to make payments on this old account without negotiating some kind of settlement (reduction in the bill).