Hello everyone, Quick question. Just checked my Experian credit report and it appears NCO has placed a TL on my credit report for an account that is well over 10 years old. The date open on the credit report shows 7/1/03. Account type: unknown. Question: Should my first step be a validation letter? Thanks, CR
Yep... BTW: Bring up your 'dispute' copy of your credit report in Experian, now; and print out a copy, of the trade line as it is showing on the trade line details page. Reason: You are looking for the "Reported Since:" notation, its not on the merged report, but it is on the 'dispute' copy of your report that you can pull from EX.
What would happen if he disputed Obsolete, Please remove with Experian? *************** GET THE BASICS HERE. http://consumers.creditnet.com/straighttalk/board/showthread.php?s=&postid=410243#post410243
The problem is, that NCO in keeping with what they got sued with by the FTC re-aged the account; without disputing the dates on the account as well, in accordance with NCO's FTC settlement, they'll reply that no, the account is an 2003 account, so it's not obsolete. Now... The second NCO get's the validation letter, then... You could, print out a copy of the FTC settlement, dispute the account dates, *AND* has been illegally re-aged in violation of NCO's settlement with the Federal Trade Commission, and that the account is obsolete, but EX will probably screw up a dispute that clear cut.