No it will not be automatically removed - it would be updated "paid collection" You must get either NCO or the OC to state that they will delete. Get a letter stating so before you make a single payment. It has been my experience that OC's are easier to deal with than CAs. NCO will act very condescending over the phone with you.
well NCO can kiss my ***. I like provoking them. I like to invite them into name calling matches and such. The tape recorder whirs at my end and theirs alike.
I am glad you mentioned that. When I talked to one of NCO's monkeys, I told the idiot to just keep on yelling at me and putting me on hold. I told him he was just building my case as I was recording him. He freaked out, and told me I had no right to record without his consent... I said you apparantly don't know the laws of the state of Texas or you would know this is a one party consent state, and I have knowledge of the recording. I was cusing at him as well, and he told me I was in violation of the law for using profanity - I said look you moron the FDCPA governs you, not me. I can cuss all I want...I am simply exercising my right of free speach. I think it was the term F%cking moron that he took especial exception I don't know maybe I did violate an FCC law by using profanity - but who cares. That was when the supervisor got on the phone... They don't like tape recorders at all. Truth is it was a bluff on my part anyway - but I got a kick out how scared he got.
no, you will pay the OC, wait a month, then dispute the debt. it should fall off, or at worst get updated to paid unless u negociate for a different result.
Try this : NCO Group. 515 Pennsyvania Ave. Fort Washinghton, PA. 19034 Phone: 215-793-2527 Fax: 217-793-2750 email Executive: Michael J Barrist, Pres and CEO Paul Morrow SVP _____________________________________________ Newbies are here to stay. Please help us fight
Texas, I know this might sound paronoid, but a few months ago I asked a question about signing your validations letters. I thought maybe I screwed up by doing that. I believe it was mindcrime that responded to me by saying that don't worry about signing the validation letter, but be sure to check you signature with any signature on the so called validation when you recieve it. Did you sign any of your validation letters to them? if so have you scrutinized your signatures of what they sent you. just a thought. I know it sounds a little paronoid, but I don't put anything pass these collection agencies. I truely believe that they are capable of going to great lengths to get there money. kathy
Also: Joseph McGowan is COO ______________________________________________ Newbies are here to stay. Please help us fight.
Humm, Another negative results thread w/ a provocative title (using Smiley faces)â?¦ Validation has backfired again.... You surrender!! Mr. Texas do you have any relatives in Michigan? JohnM
Thats enough John. He is a newbie. Leave him alone. Pick on someone your own age. ______________________________________________ Newbies are here to stay. Please help us fight.
Breeze, I hope so and I meant no harm in my post.(Maybe it's the negative attitude that has been here for 48 hours). Mr Texas (John tips his 5 gallon hat towards you), Could you please try to put a positive spin in your post titles? - like: NCO Validated - My next step? or After Validation what next? or Surrender Hell No..I have just begun to fight!!! (I know the last one is a little wordy but you get the point) Thanks in advance, JohnM
I sure did! The signatures match (of course. I will pay, but only for a deletion. I am calling the OC today.
I sure did! The signatures match (of course). I will pay, but only for a deletion. I am calling the OC today.
I don't think I have any realtives on the planet to be honest with you. As far as provacitave titles go, I thought the title of the thread was just pretty straightforward. If I was going to start a thread about my dog dying I would probably call it, "My dog died" Provacitave? no. To the point? Yes. As far as "smiley faces" go, when typing on the internet it is hard to display emotion. That is where the "smiley faces" come in...and I think you should look a little closer at the "smiley face." It's a f#@king frown.
Gee Mr Texas, It's f#@king ok, If your dog died I'd feel a lot worse than if NCO verified. Take a zanax dude...Shit I'll give you one of mine. JohnM ps spell check is a wundurful thing. I dont mean to be provacituve.....
I agree Breeze...that is the trouble with trolls. People react to them and then the reaction creates actions. Oh well...this stuff usually ends quickly anyway. As for this thread...can we get back on track now? NCO seems to be getting ready for the reality of the validation trend...after all until and even as recently as 6 months ago they did not even answer a CRRR envelope. About 6 months ago I received my NCO deletion via their compliance dept. telling me "they indeed had no information from the OC and were deleting their account as well as all listings with the CRA(s)". NOW they appear to have started to attempt validation where possible...I bet they were sued a few times and realized that complying (or even appearing to) is better than getting sued. Aftre all paying pennies on the dollar for bad debt may be "ok" but the profit margin is severely reduced with a few FDCPA suits. Whatever the case, I think it is a good thing for a collection agency to comply (or at least ATTEMPT to comply) with the FDCPA. Even though it is viewed as a baaaaad thing around here. -Peace, Dave
Alas, spell check is wonderful, and thanks for pointing out the inaccuracies in my post. I do hope that made you feel better. Since arguing on the internet is pretty sad I will leave you with this link. Thanks for everyone elseâ??s help. â?¦and JohnM. Iâ??m usually one of the calmest, most collected people out there. You just caught me on a bad day
I agree Nave, I did react. Once I realized exactly what it was that I was doing, I posted the appropriate link. Like I said NCO followed the FDCPA to the letter. I pulled my credit reports the same day I got their validation. It was not there. I'm sure it will be back, but they seem to be a pretty smart group, or at least they are trying. I suppose mine was an easy case. Initially, what do you think I should offer them for settling a $700 debt?