They key to a timeframe would be "reasonable amount of time"...not necessarily 30 days. If you only sent one letter and waited 30 days and then sued....well, that might not be a reasonable timeframe for them to investigate, delete, whatever. But if you sent your 30 day letter, then your second 30 day letter, then your 15...if by that time you don't get anything, I think anyone would agree that that would not be reasonable. L
I gave NCO only 15 days to validate. They have never sent a bill nor tried to contact me in any way. They have been reporting the collection since 9/2000. I still have not received my validation so I am going to go for the deletion.
I got a letter from them this week. For an account I don't even recognize! The validation goes out today. Say, which address are y'all using? I have two PO boxes in Philadelphia and a street addess in Fort Washington, PA. Also, who is the Marlin Group they keep talking about?
These guys are stinkers! They never responded to any of my validation requests or my threat to sue. Beware, they just report under one of their other names...Inovision/Marlin Intergrated. They re-aged my account and gave it a new account number. No notation that the debt was disputed. I also have them on several other violations. I disputed this again 2 weeks ago with Equifax and am still waiting for the results before I go ahead with a lawsuit. TU deleted with just a phone call. I also sent a follow up revised nutcase letter to TU. I'm hoping it comes back verified. I need a new kitchen! I did a search last night and found a matching address for Marlin Intergrated and NCO. Which confirms they are one in the same.
MIL sent 2 Val. letters to them at the Philadelphia Jan. Never got GR. Cards back and the letters are missing.Several people at the post office suggested that NCO may have a plant in that post office who intercepted them>:
I had success with an NCO deletion recently. It was for a medical bill from 2000. I had read so many horror stories about NCO on this board that I decided to try to deal directly with the medical group itself. I called and worked out a payment for deletion deal with them, eventhough the acct was 2 years old. I paid, the group called NCO telling them to delete the tradeline. NCO wouldn't do it, so after 2 months I called NCO. I told the customer service person to put me in contact with the legal dept because I was going to sue them. The legal contact was shaking in her boots. She admitted to me that she saw the note in the computer that the medical group had called requesting a deletion.I told her that if I did not have a letter from NCO coming off my fax that day saying that the tradeline was to be deleted, I was going to file a suit the next day and that I was getting a notarized affadavit from my contact at the medical group saying her requests were ignored. I got the letter that day with an apology, as well as a mailed letter. The deletion happened within a matter of about 48 hrs.