NCO-what are they up to?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by huntersmom, Mar 5, 2005.

  1. huntersmom

    huntersmom New Member

    I sent a validation letter to nco which they received on 3/5 according to usps tracking info (haven't got the green card back yet. On 3/5 (today) I got an alert monitor email saying there was change to experian. It shows that NCO is reporting a public record amount and it was posted to the bureaus "coincidentally" on 3/5?? First of all, I have never been served anything and for that matter have had no contact with them. The public record info is as follows:

    Reporting Court Name is
    "NCO FIN/99"
    Case # listed: None
    Amount $1,081
    File Date 1/31/2005
    Type of Record: Collections

    Does this mean they have filed suit and I just haven't been served yet?? If they had filed wouldn't there be a case no. Also, they had only reported to TU previously and now this info is from exp.

    I will dispute it with exp. But which route should I go. I'm very new to this. Thanks for any help
  2. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    sounds like a new trick -
    that is to report their collection under the public records section of the CR so it's much more difficult for you to get it removed.

    I would dispute with the CRA stating there is no court in any jurisdiction in the USA called "NCO-FIN"
  3. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    This is their way to get around having to provide validation to you
    looks like you will be able to sue them soon for continued collection activity without validating
  4. huntersmom

    huntersmom New Member

    Thanks for your advice. This forum rocks!
  5. Trilivonel

    Trilivonel Well-Known Member

    I didn't realize that. I have two (NCO and Colorado Capital) that are listed on the Public Records section. Neither have sent to me any letters saying they acquired the debt. Do I just dispute with CRA (it's only reported on Experian) or with the CA also? And why is it harder to remove listings from the P.R. section of CRs?

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