3 companies report on a credit report for the same debt, all 3 are NEGATIVE, the first 2 DO show transferred with a 0 balance. Shouldn't the first 2 be under positive? (its like that on mine) BTW the first 2 show the same exact acct number, where do I start with all this?
What am i disputing though, that they aren't his? That they are the same? That he was never late? Mind you these were student loans.
I will write down what Equifax has.... Sallie Mae # 17568xxx date opened 6/96 balance 0 status I5 date reported 3/99 Sallie Mae student # 17568xxx date opened 6/96 balance 0 status I5 date reported 10/99 Sallie Mae FFelp #17568xxx date opened 01/00 blance 0 status I9 date reported 01/00 Ameri Student #40xx date opened (blank) balance $248 status o5 date reported 8/01 (those 3 are the same acct.) He originally had 3 loans with Sallie Mae, they all got sold to another PART of Sallie Mae (student) who then in return sold those accts to ANOTHER part of Sallie Mae (FFelp) who then sold it to an outside company *Ameri Student*. He originally had 3 accts, and now he has 12. PLEASE HELP!
If its a Sallie Mae will that stay on there until its paid off or 7 years from the first screw up? They all have diff. dates and diff acct numbers but the amt of money is all the same.
All my Sallie Mae's came off. I did the general 'not mine' several times, nothing really happened. The I wrote a letter saying "same account reported multiple times" showing the account number (highlighted). I also said loan was not to be in re-payment until date xx/xx (date after last late)as I was still in school. I also stated that I spoke to Sallie Mae on the phone (inserted address and phone number, Kennett Sqare PA I think) on 3 occassions (inserted three dates and names) and was told this was going to be cleared up. I would not have been able to prove ANY of this if I was asked to, if you know what I mean. I was very polite and did not threaten or demand anything. Every one came off on that dispute. Might have been luck, but they are gone. Now I just have to get my Fed Loan fixed but I think I have a good idea for it (thanks to Bkev). Shawn
Thanks! Should I start www.studentloanwrench.com?? LOL! Student Loans ARE DIFFERENT THAT OTHER ACCCOUNTS!!! Federally guaranteed ones NEVER go away until paid... no statue of limitations apply... they can not be erased with BKs.... They ARE subject to most provisions of the FDCPA and FCRA but the teeth comes from the Higher Education Act and the ability to rehab loans and force ALL negative info off after 12 on-time payments....
I have hear student loans are hard. I have done very little credit repair on my own, I have paid Bill Bauer and I am preparing to start with him. BUT, I did work on my student loans a little. Mostly because I seriously believe they get pleasure out of trying to make life miserable for students. Their attitude motivated me to get them off quick. I absolutely despised Sallie Mae- although, the first thing I did after getting them off my reports was to re-finance with them. Not really by choice, but they have that smartloan that is incredibly easy to get...not even an inquiry. Refinanced all 4 student loans into one, from 400.00 monthly to 125.00 at better rates. Just filled out the form and had 3 payoff notices in my mailbox in 2 weeks. The funniest part is the Sallie Mae's that had been removed popped back up but now report zero balance paid as agreed. Sweet! I have also had good luck working with Ford Credit- but I mostly attribute that to working with them for so many years and seeing their points of views and what they look for. My Fed Loans, I think, will fot your 12 month rule. Shawn
I just recently addressed my student loan issue-problem was, I had about 5 or 6 accounts, along w/ the administrator to whom I was actually sending the payments. All of these made it look like I owed about 3 times more than I actually owed once they came out of deferrment. I doubt that they will remove all of these. What you want is the original loans listed as transferred to another lender, current, and 0 balance. Now it will still show the amount (not balance), but everything but the administrator (mine is fleet, for example) should be the only one listed as open. In my dispute, I listed all of the student loans that were transferred to Fleet-and asked them to report the correct status. Worked like a charm at all 3 bureaus.
Thats what happened to him, he was delinquent with the 3 accts. he had originally opened, so they "sold" them to "another lender" (its actually a Sallie Mae internal collection agency). WHo sold it, who sold it, who sold it. You get the picture. So instead of having 3 negative remarks ALL 12 ACCOUNTS show Negative! I know 'other' companies can't do this but I wasn't sure if Sallie Mae could. Also he is STILL in school so I think the idea of saying he doesn't have to re-pay yet might work! Thanks for everyones help. BTW my hubbys repo things DID come off of TU let's hope it stays that way!!!! KHM
Bkev: You were the one made it personal with your snide remarks above. And in several other recent posts as well which I have just considered the source and ignored.