NEED ADVICE --> Judgement

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by mizfixit, Dec 18, 2001.

  1. mizfixit

    mizfixit Active Member

    I recently quit Lexington after about a year, figuring I could finish up on my own.

    EQFX Score 606
    EQFX is reporting three major things negatively:
    1) A judgement from Heilig Meyers for $2016
    2) The same account as a collection from OSI/Heilig Meyers Master Trust for $1444
    3) A collection from Verizon though Collectech for $367

    Heilig Meyers got a judgement on me, when my account was current Feb 2000 due to some confusion and I have refused to pay them since - why should i my credit was already ruined. I have had no communication with them. OSI/Golf State sent me a verification letter stating my account had been verified, after I had disputed the account with the CRAs. To top this off OSI/Gulf State is pretending that they are 120 past due... whatever I have NEVER gotten anything from them prior to this. I recently sent them a validation letter. I plan to go to the courthouse to get a copy of the judgement... hopefully there is something there that I can dipute - I was living in another state at the time.

    Collectech is completely wrong... I paid Verizon $187.00 of the $367.00 in 9/2001. My report claims that they verfied this account in 11/2001. I have a letter directly from Verizon indicating this.

    I am willing to sue, file complaints.... whatever -- Please give me some options/advice

  2. mizfixit

    mizfixit Active Member

  3. mizfixit

    mizfixit Active Member

    Can someone help me please? I need a reply.

  4. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    I don't know much about this, but, how can a creditor get a judgement on an account that was current? Were you in default and then became current? BTW, you might as well pay the judgement, they never go away until they are paid.
  5. mizfixit

    mizfixit Active Member

    My account was current up until that point, but that month (2/2000) I was about 10 days late with my payment and within that period of time, they filed a judgement. I think they were trying to force me to pay all immediately, because HM later that year filed bankruptcy... by the way that account was only 3 months into a 15 month term and I had already paid 600 on the 2014, which is how thwy get the 1440 balance.
  6. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    That doesn't sound right to me, I'd seek legal advice and see what your options are. BTW, is it a default judgement? Meaning, you didn't appear in court?

    At any rate, go talk to a lawyer.
  7. mizfixit

    mizfixit Active Member

    I never went to court. I never even got any indication that there was a judgement until looking at my credit report for a mortgage later in May - after which I refused to pay them. This is so awful. I should contact a lawyer? I was hoping to be able to do this on my own.
  8. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    My non-legal advice is to contact a lawyer. Try a law student or paralegal first. Maybe even your city Bar association, or legal aid. They may be able to provide low cost legal advice to you.
  9. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    Non Legal advice also:

    1) Get a copy of the judgement. Study and make sure that everything from the case number, to the amount is the same as listed on your credit report. I would dispute it with cra as " not mine" but look for inaccuracies is helpful in case of later disputes.
    this will also be necessary if you decide to see a lawyer.
    2) I would request validation from ca immediately. I would send that letter off asap.

    3) Just an FyI... I just got a judgement removed from my hubby's credit report through disputing as "not mine" so it can work. If you do number1and realize then how hard (or easy) it is for you to get the information... you also have an idea of how hard it is for the cra (if they actually verify the info)

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