I just got a copy of my credit report from Experian. My score that they gave me was a 565. There are a few things on my report I don't know how to deal with. 1) I owe ashwood financial $1942.00, the account is past due but the last update they have listed is from 05/03 and that is a charge off. I spoke to them a month ago and setup a payment plan but I guess it's not reflected on my report yet. The date open on the account is 9/1/2000. Is paying the plan the best way to handle this. 2) I owe Cap 1 $1259.00, they have of Jan 05 listed my account as a charge off. Should I try to make a settlement and if so will they remove the account from my credit report? 3) I also owe $763.00 to Performance Capital for a FNANB Visa account I opened on 10/1/1998. Perf. Cap. has the account listed as being opened on 3/1/2002. I know I can get the original account removed after 10/1/2005 but how should I deal with the CA that has it as of Feb 05 being a charged off account? These are the only people that I still owe money to. so I wanted to start slow with these first and do things right. A lot of the credit card debts are from my first year of college and me not knowing anything about credit.
You can either dispute with the CRA or do a validation letter to the creditors. Cap 1 won't delete so don't waste you time with them. Either pay them or make them wait until the SOL runs out.
I set up a payment plan with Ashwood Financial to pay $80 a month. Can I still send in a validation letter even though I agreed to a plan? I have already paid one payment over the phone. Have I already obligated myself to pay the debt? The amount of the debt owed says $1947.00 but I'm paying them on a debt they say is about $2900.00.
You can send the DV letter, but in all probability the point is moot, since you already agreed to a payment plan, and already made a payment - thus you have already ackowledged the debt!