On 1/24/2002 TU deleted a collection account from Arrow Financial (A.F.S.-NACC) off my report. TU was the only CRA that reported it, wasn't on EQ or EXP. I just received a letter dated 02/15/2002 from some Vengroff, Williams & Assoc. trying to collect that very exact account. I am confused as to what I should/can do. Any help would be appreciated. I can provide more info if needed. All the advice from this site lead me to start a late-CHOD last year right after X-Mas and the results have been great sofar, this is the last thing bogging me down!
How old is the collection? If it's past the SOL for your state, then they don't have a leg to stand on. You can inform them it's past the statute of limitations and they will go away. If it isn't past the SOL, you can send them a validation letter. How many $$ are we talking about?
I really have no clue who Arrow Financial Services is, TU says the account in question was opened on 10/01/2000 and reported to TU on 02/01/2001. I don't have any earthly clue what account they are talking about. I have never received a single letter from this Arrow Financial Services before. The report says the oringinal balance was $1287 and the balance is $2449. ??. The other thing bugging me was that this letter I got in the mail was not even postmarked! The presorted stamp says "Commack, NY," but this Vengroff, Williams & Assoc is in Sarasota, FL. That letter was dated 2/15/02 and it says I have until 02/25/02 to make a full payment. I didn't get this until Saturday afternoon/evening, there's no way in the world I would even be able to send a payment overnight over a Sunday anyways! Has anyone ever dealt with Arrow Financial Services or anything related to them? Since I seriously think this was not my account, what do I need to do, send them a validation letter? TIA!!
What state do you live??? I got this article from class action lawsuit website. It's pretty interesting. I've deal with this agency and if you're debt is old, they can't touch you.... http://www.classactionamerica.com/cases/case.asp?cid=1362 If you can't get the site. Just register for a free account, and search for class action suits on on Arrow. You'll be suprised on who's in this database, and it may just help some to get in on some money forthcoming....
Well, if you don't have a clue what it's about, then they will probably have a hard time validating it as yours. Plus I don't think I've heard of a single "real" validation. Crank off a validation letter tomorrow, certified return receipt. You definately want the dispute out there before they try anything crazy. If you are in NY, the SOL on everything is 6 years.
I agree with Pat. Send out the validation asap. I wouldn't send it certified, I would send it overnight signature required. Only because they are threatening you with the Feb. 25th date. Also, are you saying that no where on that letter did it say who the original creditor is? If not, that is a violation. And, did it have the "you have 30 days to request verification.....? That is required on collection notices. If not, another violation. You may want to call your atty. General and advise them if these violations have occurred.
I think a validation letter is in order, based on the advice here, thanks! The letter says "Our Client: A.F.S.-NACC, account #xxxxxxx, our control #xxxxxxx, date 02/15/02, amount due $2,641.87" Here's the text of the letter itself: "Dear Mr. xxxxxx, This account can be settled for $1,350.00. You will then be released from any further liability and you can then contact the proper credit reporting agencies to neutralize your credit. The settlement amount must be sent in the form of a money order or certified funds, and arrive in this office no later than 02/25/2002 or this settlement offer will be considered null and void. The monies must be sent via overnight mail to ensure delivery by the above date. Thank you for your cooperation." "This is an attempt to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose." It then asks for an address correction and phone #, like I would give that out! The client is listed and the account # and balance, but nothing else proving it's my account at all. IS this a violation? I am still confused how I got this after the account listed on TU as Arrow Financial was DELETED over a month ago by TU themselves. Also, there is no time frame at all listed for verification at all. Is that also a violation? I'll be sending them a validation letter tomorrow morning overnight. Thanks for the great advice here, you are all very helpful!! BTW, I am in Florida.
If you seriously do not know what this is, then send the validation. Make them prove it to you. Also, if this is their first notice to you, I don't think they can give less than 30 days to pay, as they have to give you 30 days to dispute, per the FDCPA. I'm not 100% sure on this though. Anyway, I would send the validation. Good luck!
SOL in FL. 4 years - Oral Agreements 5 years - Written Contract 5 years - Promissory Note 4 years - Open Ended Accounts
Send the validation letter. I have dealt with them. I sent a settlement letter then I sent the validation letter. They then sold it to another ca and I sent them the validation so they can't put it on my credit report. Send the validation a.s.a.p. 9 times out of 10 they cannot validate.
I'm currently dealing with their Lincolnwood, IL. office, I live in MO. Sent them validation, they have not yet responded but have until the 15th of March. I truly have no idea who they are representing "A.F.S. assignee of Metris", I don't know who "Metris" is so they definitely have to validate for me.
That's the problem, I don't know. This has me seriously perplexed! I have no earthly clue who NACC is. I still can't figure out TU deleted the item and them bam I get this. *shrug* I guess that I shouldn't try to guess how the system works, huh?
I don't know who "Metris" is so they definitely have to validate for me. Isn't that who is behind Direct Merchants Bank?
LKH (or anyone), Can you tell me what section this violation is in? I received 2 collection letters from 2 diff CA without this verbiage.... Thanks!
I seriously don't know. The amounts they refer to match nothing on anything of my reports, not even close. The account number doesn't match anything either. I had no clue who Arrow Financial was until I got this letter. NACC I still don't know who that is. That's my big point, I have no clue who, what, when, where or why this is about, totally got me stumped. How TU removed the Arrow Financial collection from my report then getting this letter after that fact also baffles me. There is no longer anything mentioning Arrow Financial on any of my 3 reports and never was any mention of NACC. *shrug* I am quite glad to have found this site, I don't think I could have found this kind of help and advice anywhere else! Thanks all! PS, validation letter (no payments or returns of their paperwork) is out and overnighted from here (NW Florida) to S Florida, should be there tomorrow by noon. Can't believe they gave me 2 supposed days on this.