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Need advice on my dispute!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by knk112, May 16, 2008.

  1. knk112

    knk112 Member

    I have several items on my report that I want to dispute AND delete.

    So the first one I picked to start with is a Lane Bryant Charge account for the amount of $121. I thought I had a zero balance on this card, it turned out that I had a $10 balance turn into $121.But if LB would have credited my account as discussed (refund charges for paying over the phone) and if I would have followed up on this account, this would not be haunting me now. I discovered in Dec 07 that my account was delinquent and past due! So I asked to speak with a supervisor to look at the notes on the account to find out what happened because I havenâ??t made any transaction on the account to have a balance. All of the balance was late fees. I explained that this account is delinquent because a rep didnâ??t do their job by crediting my account as promised! Anyway she was very rude and agreed to remove only half of the fees. She said she would mark the account paid in full and mail a confirmation letter agreement! So of course I paid over the phone and I have a record of the payment I made BUT no letter. The full balance still remains on my report. She never reported my payment to any of the CB. What should I do now? How should I proceed with the dispute? I believe I have all my statements and the person I spoke to.

    This is how it reports to each CB.


    Account No.: 8********

    Condition: Derogatory

    Balance: $121

    Type: Charge account

    Pay Status: Collection/Chargeoff

    WFNNB/LANE BRYANT Equiqfax Experian

    Account No.: ******** ********

    Condition: Derogatory Derogatory

    Balance: $121 $121

    Type: Charge account Charge account

    Pay Status: Collection/Chargeoff Collection/Chargeoff
  2. knk112

    knk112 Member

    can I upload an image? I wanted to show a screen shot of my payment history! Of how good to bad it went!
  3. knk112

    knk112 Member

    Nobody has anything for me????
  4. TeeVeeDude

    TeeVeeDude Well-Known Member

    Just dispute it with the credit bureaus.
  5. knk112

    knk112 Member

    I disputed it as paid as agreed. no balance ow. SO now I'm thinking they will come back for my proof which is only half of the balance.....

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