I received a Request For Admissions and Interrogatory To Defendant form from the law firm representing the credit card company that is sueing me for a debt incurred 4 years ago by a significant other. I was not aware of the debt until June of this year when I received a summons. The pretrial hearing is 10 days away. Questions: aren't these people legally supposed to contact you with a demand letter, to which you can then demand validation of the debt, prior to serving a summons? One of the questions to which I am to "admit or deny" says they sent me such letter and do I admit or deny receiving it. I have already told them and the court in writting that I never received such letter. Why are they asking me again? Also, this Request for admissions form says I have 40 days to respond, but the hearing is next week! What is up with this? Help, please!
At this point, grab a lawyer! If you are not sure about the case, old debt, and most importantly what to do, get some professional help. There are several things here which need to be known, but there is not enough time. So, again, get a lawyer to help you.
This is a significant other, and not a wife, or even ex-wife? Why are you even in the picture? Did you co-sign, co-apply, or were you even put on the account as an authorized user? In fact, why is this not illegal disclosure of a debt to a third party?