I have an account with them currently and they offered me a line increase @ 200% of my deposit for my Christmas gift "woohoo" big gift huh? Well my question is this, same day I got that offer they sent me an offer for a secured Visa. Would I be better off to use the money and open the Visa or go for the increase on the Mastercard. Will be the same credit either way, but which would be better for me? I don't have many active positive accts right now.
any ideas? Basically I'm wondering would another + tradeline help me, or since it would be a new one and I'm trying to erase negative at the same time, should I just for the limit increase on the MC. I'm unsure what's more important, adding + tradelines or just focusing on deleting negatives right now.
Christi, Accept the 200% increase only if the issuer is not charging a fee for it. Do not use the increase as a cash advance to fund another credit card. Allow your existing trade line to age. By making your payments on time and keeping a low balance, your score will climb. Then, you should qualify for unsecured lines with other bankcard issuers. CardKid