need advice

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by LUISEMILY, Oct 14, 2001.


    LUISEMILY New Member

    HELP!!!! to remove paid collections

    Hi. My husband and i had some collection and charge offs from 93 and 95 he became ill won settlement in 98 paid all in full only one did what they said they would do. USAA . needed to be paid so we could by house. did get house problem is these are still on credit report . three collection from utilities and two from credit card need sample letter to hopefully get these off. do i contact creditors or go thru cb any advice greatly appreciated. It stinks that you pay these people and they continue to haunt you,we could have waited and they would have fallen off but we wouldn't have gotten our house. Need to improve score. These all have been paid for 2 years it just drives me crazy. we want our credit report to reflect where are today not 6 years ago.He was awarded 100% va comp. and i have an excellent job with good salary. Thank You
  2. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    Re: HELP!!!! to remove paid collections

    Go to all three of the credit reporting agencies..... 7 Years is the limit to report anything, so things in 93 should be dropping off now and 95 soon. Problem is that sometimes you have to force them off.

    Get copies of your credit reports and have EXP, EQ, TU start investigations on anything negative. With that length of time, you should have some good results getting it off with the first round.

  3. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: HELP!!!! to remove paid collections

    If this is a service-related disability, try talking to USAA about it, and see if they will do it just to help you out. Was hubby in Desert Storm? If so, this could fall under the Soldier's and Sailor's Act.

    LUISEMILY New Member

    Re: HELP!!!! to remove paid collections

    started investigation with equifax. thought i would try online investigation. and see how it goes . thank you for the advice wish us luck wish to get out of subprime we have more positives then negs but makes no difference where credit score is concerned
  5. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: HELP!!!! to remove paid collections

    This is exactly why reporting limit needs changed from 7 to 3 years.

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