Need Advice

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Thyrek, Nov 14, 2005.

  1. Thyrek

    Thyrek New Member

    I need some serious advice on how to handle collections agency. I need to know the best way to communicate with them, how to make payments in the amounts I want and not them, and how to avoid being hassled and harrased. Also, what legal recourse do collection agencies have. I have one agency who keeps referring to "process" or some other term. Can I be sued? And what does it mean if I get a certified letter? Is this bad news? (I haven't actually seen it yet). Please help.
  2. dslandau

    dslandau Member

    If you have a certified letter waiting for you, that is NOT a good sign.

    My friend was sued in small calims court by a collections agency working for Discover, and was notified by a certified letter from the court. If you don't pick it up, I would think that a judgement might be entered against you.

    She worked it out with the collection agency by making payments and the case was eventually dismissed and settled (and therefore not showing up oin her credit report). But she was still technically sued.
  3. phoenix

    phoenix Well-Known Member

    I would think that for a legal ruling to be entered against you, they would need to prove that you were legally served with a summons?
  4. dslandau

    dslandau Member

    I guess from what I've read they could notify a person in different ways -- eityher by a certified letter or an ad in the newspaper. So if you don't sign for the letter, they may advertise it in the local paper.

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