Need advise regarding late mortgage payments

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by acrazywoma, Sep 2, 2006.

  1. acrazywoma

    acrazywoma Member

    I'm hoping someone can give me advise on this issue. I have a mortgage account that is paid in full. The house was sold and the lender got their money.

    My problem is that in 2005 there was some confusion and a payment somehow got missed. We were making monthly payments, but the mortgage company kept applying our payment to the previous month which has given us 5 30 day lates and 1 60 day because the house closed about 4 days later than expected.

    I'm now applying for a new mortgage and these lates are a problem..

    I've read that it's possible to call paid off mortgage companies and beg your way into having the mortgage company delete old lates? I'm going to do my darndest to make this happen, but what do I ask them to do?

    If they agree, how do I get it to the CRA? the lender is able to do a rapid re-score --- has anyone done this and any advise on how to proceed?

    Do I ask them to send me a letter, or to send it to the CRA directly and cc me?


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