I am trying to get a copy of my equifax report. even though I have been declined a few times at my newer address and been issued letters to this effect when I try to contact Equifax and use their automated system to get the free copy is doesn't match my street address up and rejects me, then compells me to send them half a dozen forms of ID etc, etc by mail. Is there a number that I can reach an actual human as I assume my new address must be in their system as these new creditors that rejected me have input my new address into the system. As I recall at the last house I lived at I also ahd this problem but was able to find a number to reach a human who found my new address and corrected everything and got me my free copy without jumping through the hoops. If anyone has a number for them, and even experian while they are at it I would appreciate it. many thanks!
Hi, I can't help you with Equifax. Sorry. But if you have been denied credit with Experian, you can go to www.experian.com/reportaccess and you can get your free report there. I hope this helps.
What I meant was if you have been denied credit from a company that pulled Experian. I'm sorry. I'm really tired.