Hi all, I'm starting my clean up process following foreclosure in 2003 and a discharged bk7 this year. According to PG I have some strange reporting going on: Equifax: Date of bankruptcy filing in AL is incorrect current address is shown my old address in GA My real address in AL shows up as a past address Experian: Correct BK info but no discharge date correct address shown TU: No bk shown at all old address in GA shows as current - new address not noted all IIB accounts are shown as late Additionally, my biggest tradeline, which is the reason I filed BK, has not reported IIB on any of my reports and is still showing a $24K p/l writeoff. Also, under the public records, I'm showing $0 liability - is this right? Shouldn't that be the amount discharged? Should I dispute the BK info first, or the IIB tradelines? Also, should I go get an addy at mailboxes etc before doing anything, and dispute my current address? I've been reading these boards for a couple years now but for some reason I've got stage fright. Thanks for any help/advice. Poochie
My addresses weren't right on my credit reports not to mention several erroneous ones. I called them right up and got them removed with no problem and the ppl on the phone were real nice. maybe I was just lucky....
Poochie - I have some of the same problems as you do on my reports. I've had to hire an attorney to get it straightened up and even then, some of the creditors are ignoring him. For me, if this continues, I'll will be filing a lot of small claims against these folks and maybe once they are served they will clear the wax out of their ears. It'll cost them at least my court fees and a deletion whereas right now it would be free for them to act. Some creditors/CAs are just STUPID.
Re: Need clean up help from the exp You should wait to dispute the BK after all the notations on each TL is gone, or the whole TL is gone... Otherwise, each TL will verify the BK and make it tough to get off. If you dispute first, it can stick to your report like glue -- becasue from that day on dispute is "frivolous". Make sense? I understand stage fright.... pick a very small battle first, and gain strength as you get successes under your belt.
Re: Need clean up help from the exp Thanks guys - I've seen it done both ways in the archives - some people seem to have success disputing the BK first if there is a factual error and then removing the TL, and then others have done it the other way. any thoughts about whether I should apply for new accounts from another address (like Mailboxes etc) with a cell phone number? Thanks all!