Need expert in tax liens

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Shanyl, Aug 20, 2004.

  1. Shanyl

    Shanyl Well-Known Member

    I have an issue with the CA FTB (Franchise Tax Board) and I need some serious help.

    We are getting ready to close on our house and NOW they tell us the liens that we recently discovered need to be paid or released. The state of CA says that there are 3 outstanding tax liens for 3 different tax years. There's actually 4, but we have proof that we filed that one.

    I need them off ASAP - disputing them (was worth a try...) didn't work. We don't have the $ to pay them and don't have the time (they say up to 6 months) to refile the returns. Granted we'll have to file them anyhow, but as far as waiting, does anyone have any suggestions in getting these to go away?

    I'm thinking of hiring an atty (legal plan) in CA to handle the CA laws and negotiate a settlement and then after we pay, can refile and get all of our money back.

    What a PAIN.


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