Whats up guys, My name is Cory I'm 25 and trying to correct some really stupid decisions i made when i was 18 or 19 so i can purchase a home. My credit score on average between the 3 bureaus is a 550. I recently returned from Iraq and settled about all of the delinquent debt on my report but it does not reflect in my score. I think ( but I'm probably wrong ) that i need a blank format for a dispute letter to get most of the items on my report updated or deleted but do not know a thing about how to prepare such a document. Please help me so i can get the ball rolling. thanks in advance Cory
First of all thank you very much for your service in Iraq. Glad you made it home alive, and hopefully with no remaining battle scars. You are a hero. Unfortunatly "settlements", paying less than the original amounts will not dramatically increase your credit score, as they are not considered paid in full.
Another "Thank You" for your service and bravery. Glad you're home safe. Have you tried disputing any of these accounts on line yet? Review all your accounts very closely, look for any error in any of the data fields, and dispute any error you find. I'm positive if you look closely enough, you'll find some. This does not mean they will automatically be deleted, but it is a start. If you do wish to dispute via written letter, a first round letter can simply say: "I dispute this tradeline as being inaccurate and incomplete, please investigate. If this tradeline cannot be verified as accurate and complete, please delete."
whats up guys, thanks for the advise.... i found a blanket dispute letter on line and I'm about to fill it out and send it in..... can anyone advise me were to look while i wait for a response to prepare myself for the next step?
I join the others in thanking you for protecting us. Be careful with a "blanket dispute letter." Most of those ask for way too much information, which there is no legal requirement for the creditor to provide. First of all, do you have copies of the individual reports from each bureau, rather than one of the online trimerge reports? If not, get them first. Then you need to target specific things that are wrong with each account. You said you settled your debt. While it's too late now, that may not have been the best strategy. The time to negotiate reporting is when you have the money and they want it. Settling a debt does not necessarily improve your scores. So, get the reports if you don't have them and dispute individual items, such as the dates that are showing as delinquency dates. Ask questions and we'll help you.