Need Guidance

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Whitneyy, Oct 15, 2013.

  1. Whitneyy

    Whitneyy New Member

    Good morning!

    I found this forum on google after searching for answers for all my credit questions. But some questions are still unanswered.

    I recently pulled my credit report and saw that I had wrong addresses, wrong spellings of my name, wrong birth dates, and etc. How would I go about removing that? And if those are on there, doesn't that mean any information posted under that is invalid and should be removed? Or not? (Remember, I only know what I'm constantly reading on forums and message boards).

    Also, I ended up seeing balances I KNOW I could afford to pay off that were already in collections from when I was about 18,19 years old. I found out that I SHOULDN'T have paid them in full without a contract saying they'd take them off. Is there anyway to fix it even though I already paid them? Like is there anyway it can come OFF rather than showing a paid in full status?

    I also closed a captial one account back in 2008, is there anyway THAT can possibly come off as well? I know I have a lot of questions, but I'm older now (25) and a lot more financially stable than I was at 18/19 and I want to fix anything I wronged.

    Thank you!
  2. SweetnSas

    SweetnSas Well-Known Member

    Hi Whitneyy! Welcome! I'll try to answer what I know and leave the heavy hitters for our more senior members:

    Once you pay it in full, you really lose all leverage with trying to get them to remove them. That's not to say you can't plead your case - even dispute and hope it comes off. You may want to do a search in the forum to see what techniques others may have used to get paid negatives off.

    Not sure what's the deal with the CapOne account - does it have negative information that you are wanting to remove? When's the last time you made a payment on it? Again, once it's paid and closed, the incentive to remove is just not there for the original creditor. That's not to say it can't happen with some resilience but I fear it's an uphill battle. Perhaps Mindcrime has another opinion.
  3. mindcrime

    mindcrime Well-Known Member

    An online dispute should take care of the incorrect personal information. I am not sure what you are referring to with: "doesn't that mean any information posted under that is invalid and should be removed". What specific information?

    If you're 25 and these accounts had DOFD's from when you were 18/19, then they should roll off your reports automatically within the next year or so. Considering their age and that they're paid accounts, you may just want to try a simple dispute through the CRA. The reporting CA may not bother responding and it'll delete. Nothing to lose since it's a paid account.

    Does your C1 account simply have late pays scattered throughout it? If that's the case, you could either, again try a simple dispute through the CRAs as Never Late, or, once the latest late pay passes 7 years, the account will convert to a positive one, in which that case you *wont'* want it off.

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