I disputed an old account of my wife's with Equifax. I got the results on 8/16 that the item was deleted. I pulled her credit report online and it magically re-appeared!! They didn't send notice or anything!! We are about to close on our mortgage next month and the lender said all charge off's must be paid. Her score took a 80 point hit because of this!!! Does anyone have a telephone number or person at equifax who has the power to delete this account?? From past experience with equifax I'm sure I won't get results with the standard customer service phone number. I tell you this much, if we have to pay this chargeoff or we get declined with our mortgage because of this, I won't even consider small claims or representing myself. I will contact my lawyer immediately and have her file suit in Federal Court for major money over this screw up. My next house will be on them!! Tac
Re: Need Help bad, Equifax screwed Call them at the number listed on the hard copy you just got. Equifax is famous for reinsertions. They'll probably give you a difficult time saying it's not their responsibility, etc. However, they'll put it under investigation and it'll probably disappear again. I just had this happen with an OSI account. Your score shoudl go right back up. I would let them know about the mortgage to rush them a bit. Anyone else have suggestions? Mommy2cats
Re: Need Help bad, Equifax screwed you might also fax them an "intensely" worded intent-to-sue letter explaining their violation, your purchase of new house, your more than 50% chance of sueing if they do not delete immediately and send you an updated copy, and the fact this lawsuit will indeed cost more than the usual $1,000 violation, as you now have actual damages. humblemarc
Re: Need Help bad, Equifax screwed Well, I just faxed the below letter to Equifax Consumer affairs. I will also contact Mr. Bryant on Monday morning to see if he can correct this for me immediately. Does anyone have any luck faxing to consumer affairs or dealing with Mr. Bryant?? EQUIFAX INFORMATIONS SERVICES CONSUMER AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT Re: CitiFinancial Commercial Credit Corp #607459121732* Dear Sirs, After a recent review of a credit report #XXXXXXXX, I obtained online via your website I noticed that account CitiFinancial Commercial Credit Corp #607459121732*, a previously investigated item which was deleted on August 16th, 2002 has suddenly reappeared back on my credit file. As a courtesy I have included with this fax a copy of the results for this item dated August 16th, 2002 furnished to me by your company. Sometimes mistakes happen and I understand this. This fax is to alert you to this mistake and to notify you that I expect the above listed account to be deleted from my credit file within 72hrs. of this fax. Obviously your company is aware of the Fair Credit Reporting Act and the laws your company has a responsibility to adhere to. Per the FCRA: 611 Procedure in case of disputed inaccuracy [15 U.S.C. Ë? 1681i] (5)(B)(ii) (ii) Notice to consumer: If any information that has been deleted from a consumer file pursuant to subparagraph (A) is reinserted in the file, the consumer reporting agency shall notify the consumer of the reinsertion in writing no later than 5 business days after the reinsertion or, if authorized by the consumer for that purpose, by any other means available to the agency. (iii) Additional information: As part of, or in addition to the notice under clause (ii), a consumer reporting agency shall provide written notification of the reinsertion no less than 5 business days after the reinsertion You have failed miserably in your duty to notify me of this re-insertion, as I have received NOTHING from you. Quite frankly your company has not adhered to the laws you are governed under and this re-insertion of incorrect information is having astounding effects on my credit score and the closing of our first home next month. (C) Procedures to prevent reappearance. A consumer reporting agency shall maintain reasonable procedures designed to prevent the reappearance in a consumer's file, and in consumer reports on the consumer, of information that is deleted pursuant to this paragraph (other than information that is reinserted in accordance with subparagraph (B)(I)). You have not implemented the required procedures for avoiding such mistakes. There is cause for substantial damage on my part. If you ignore this demand or fail to respond accordingly I will file suit in Federal District Court in the city of Allentown, Pennsylvania County of Lehigh, within 3 business days after contacting your company via phone of receipt of this fax, YOU HAVE 72 HOURS TO CURE! I shall seek specific, statutory and punitive damages in excess of $100,000 for your willful failure and negligent noncompliance of federal law, in demand of a jury trial. I hope that this doesnâ??t have to go this far but be advised I will do just as Iâ??ve described if this isnâ??t taken care of immediately. Should you wish to call me, please speak to my husband MR. PISSED OFF CREDIT REPAIRER, he can be reached at: (123)456-7891 Thanks in advance for your urgent attention to this matter, it is appreciated! Very Truly Yours, PISSED OFF CONSUMER Cc: (1)File (1)Ruth Skoglund, Esquire (1)Pennsylvanua Attorney Generalâ??s Office (1)Georgia Attorney Generalâ??s Office (1)Federal Trade Commission What do you guys think?? Thanks for the help! Tac
Re: Need Help bad, Equifax screwed Very nicely done! I might need to save this one. i think you hit all the major points. you might want to bump this a couple times tomorrow, so the other legal minds can peruse it. humblemarc
Re: Need Help bad, Equifax screwed You could send the above letter inserted in an email to Robin Holland. robin.holland@equifax.com She has helped me tremendously.
Re: Need Help bad, Equifax screwed tac, And they wonder why we want to pull our reports daily! scmom is right about robin holland. robin's assistant is vicki.banks@equifax.com smog (former philly boy)
Re: Need Help bad, Equifax screwed Unwise: Phone calls. Use rapid rescore. What proof do you have that the account should not appear? Regardless of their error in not informing you of the reinsertion, is the account listing accurate?
Re: Need Help bad, Equifax screwed The account was re-aged by the creditor and they reported it back on my wife's credit file. It disappeared due to it's age about a year ago from all reports. The only one they are reporting this to is Equifax at this time. The problem is we both know the account has been re-aged but have no way of proving it because in the past we never kept her credit reports. Credit repair before being on this board was non-exsistent and we didn't even think we could dispute it back then. We felt it was something that went away with age, after 7 years and we both waited for that to happen. It seem earlier this year when we both started the credit repair process it suddenly appeared and was re-reported by the creditor. I disputed the listing as being inaccurate and reaged and that is when I received the Equifax results of it's deletion. It is now reappearing! Since I have no proof that it is beyond 7 years, the only real basis I have is the re-insertion thing. Regardless of whether the account is accurate or not, it was deleted and re-inserted illegally without my knowledge and as such it needs to be deleted!! Tac
Re: Need Help bad, Equifax screwed Just because it was reinserted without your knowledge doesn't mean that it is inaccurate; they are two separate things. What is the amount? When will you demand that the creditor provide documentation of the dates of delinquency? When will you demand the procedures of the reinvestigation? Would you demand a commitment letter frm your lender next time?
Re: Need Help bad, Equifax screwed Greg, At this point in time I'm not going to debate whether the account is accurate or not. The account is very old and well past the 7 year reporting mark. It was removed from all reports about a year ago, it is now relisted with another date of last activity which I know is false. I disputed that very fact with the CRA Equifax. The problem is I have no proof, back then we did not keep credit records because we didn't know credit repair or the laws. The creditor is reporting an inaccurate and wrong date this I know. They will not respond to my certified letters requesting the information they are providing. They have not listed the account as "In dispute" My problem is with Equifax, if you read the FCRA it is clear what they are required to do. It is not against the law to re-insert the account, the problem is, it is against the law to re-insert and them (Equifax) not notify me within 5 days of the re-insertion. I believe I have a very strong case against Equifax for it's violations of the law. I disputed the account in July as being inaccurate. Equifax started it's investiagtion. Equifax concluded it's investigation and mailed me an updated report and results stating it was deleted. I did everything within the law that I was supposed to do. I mean I have the letter from the month before stating it was investigated and deleted. I have the updated report from them showing the tradeline deleted. They allow the creditor to re-insert the information and did not use reasonable procedures to make sure this did not happen. I may sue the creditor very soon, the issue at this stage is to get it deleted quickly before I close on my home next month. They (Mortgage lender) will surely pull another credit report and see this account if it is not deleted. I will contact Robin Holland first thing Monday morning and see if we can get it deleted. If they will not delete I'm not going to mess with this one in small claims. I already talked to my attorney about filing suit against Equifax in federal court next week if they do not delete. I will also include the creditor too! We are not talking little damages here, this is a home mortgage that is at stake. I could get denied, have to pay months more rent to live, be approved at a higher rate mortgage etc.... Nope, this suit will be all business! Tac
Re: Need Help bad, Equifax screwed When have I debated the accuracy? What did your lender say about rapid-rescore? You didn't answer my question: "When will you demand that the creditor provide documentation of the dates of delinquency?" What are the numbers of the certified letters to the creditor requesting the information? You didn't answer my question: "When will you demand the procedures of the reinvestigation?" You didn't answer my question: "What is the amount?" You might say that that is irrelevant, but this is not a court of law. If an insignificant amount, you should pay it, get the house, and sue later. If it is significant, I (and perhaps others) would like to know the amount that has kept you down for seven long years-- and whether it was worth not paying it and putting up with the phone calls and letters. The question, partially, is: What amount will a person let come between him and the American Dream? (and what's the deal with the one sentence-per-paragraph thing?) You didn't answer my question (the most important one-- hopefully someone else can learn a lesson from this): "Would you demand a commitment letter frm your lender next time?"
Re: Need Help bad, Equifax screwed Greg, I think I explained the situation quite well. The creditor will not send me anything nor will they answer any questions. There is no collection agency, it is Citifinancial reporting the debt. 2 certified letters and 2 phone calls. I've seen Equifax's procedural letters before and I don't expect anything different. Your asking for procedures but could care less about the fact that they re-inserted previously disputed, and verified information that got deleted. This is my wifes and her Ex-husbands account from a previous marriage. It was from 1987 We received no phone calls, letters or contact from them or a collection agency trying to collect on this debt. Date of last activity was around 1993-1994, well past SOL for reporting or a judgement. They are reporting a date of last activity as 1996. Amount $6917.00 I am certianly not willing to pay that amount of money for an account of this age, and their illegal actions in reporting it. Why do I feel like I'm being harrassed by you?? You certianly don't seem like a creditnetter to me, I haven't quite figured out what your motive might be, who you are or who you really work for?? Tac
Re: Need Help bad, Equifax screwed I agree... don't pay it... not one dime.... CREDIT REPORT BLACKMAIL... Equifax is on the line for reinsertion without notice.Citifin has reaged it. Make them prove it... if you lose the mortgage or get a higher rate.. make them pay for it I'd send a modified validation letter to CitiFin requesting any and all info regarding the account again...letting them know in the first paragraph that a mortgage is on the line... of course... don't admit to it being yours or that you know they've reaged it... send all letters cert rr again Monday to both just for the papertrail....
Re: Need Help bad, Equifax screwed Bunk. You evaded my questions about your assertion that I'm arguing about the accuracy of the account, about rapid-rescoring, reinvestigation procedures, and the commitment letter. Who said anything about a collection agency? Will you post the letters? I think you mean "couldn't care less." I'll decide what I care about. Perhaps if you got the procedures, you could make a better case about the reinsertions-- not to mention adding another layer to the case if they screw up the procedures. I don't understand her reasoning: Your wife doesn't want to pay it-- even though it is a legitimate debt? Why didn't she file for bankruptcy? You shouldn't lob such open-ended questions over the plate. I don't know why you feel the way you feel. The questions are legitimate; your answers are lame. As this message board is an exchange of ideas, ad hominem remarks are inappropriate. Don't take cheap shots just because you can't hold your own in an argument. Nonetheless, the credentials in my profile are clear, extensive, and give a lot of depth into my philosophy of openness about the issues, and my efforts toward enlightenment of the consumer. I could have chosen to be anonymous, you know.
Re: Need Help bad, Equifax screwed Some of our "lessor experienced members" get VERY, VERY excited over stuff like this. Especially when the American Dream may be on the line. That makes it easy to forget to answer your questions or accidentally not read something you posted. The Tac family has their heart in their throat, adrenallin pumping and are just plain very pissed right now. I can certainly understand where they're at right now. If it were me I'd wanna kill somebody, (not really Doc) So a gentle approach may be more productive.
Re: Need Help bad, Equifax screwed Greg, Once again, your over-inflated ego has gotten the best of you. Why in this or any other forum, does Tac need to answer ANY of your questions. Like you said, this is not a court of law, so why are you speaking down to him like his father or some all-knowing judge. IF you have a different proposal for solving his question, then go ahead and STATE it. Otherwise, lose the condescending attitude. As i've said in other threads, i feel you have a lot of good information to share, but your way of sharing it, or just plain asking questions just aggravates and irritates. This may be your mission, but i'm sure you've heard the saying "you catch more flies with honey, than with vinegar." I would think someone as knowledgeable as you would have learned that by now. Ever read "how to win friends and influence people"? i'm sure you have. Butch, i don't quite understand your post. Why should Tac use the gentle approach this late in the game? i'm not quite sure what you are recommending, as i do value your opinion, could you please elaborate? humblemarc