Need Help bad, Equifax screwed me!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by tac14033, Sep 21, 2002.

  1. TedTX

    TedTX Well-Known Member

    Re: Need Help bad, Equifax screwed


    Here in Texas, the AG will contact a company that does not reply to validation letters. You may need to contact your state AG on this. I've had 2 hard items removed from my credit report with the AG office.
  2. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    Re: Need Help bad, Equifax screwed

    Very interesting! What exactly did you say or write to the AG. What did the AG do or say. Were these OC's, CA's or CRA's?

  3. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: Need Help bad, Equifax screwed

    I don't think that remark was directed towards Tac.
  4. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    Re: Need Help bad, Equifax screwed

    i figured that out after i reread the thread a couple of times.
    don't worry, i'm stupider than i look. :)

  5. tac14033

    tac14033 Well-Known Member

    Re: Need Help bad, Equifax screwed


    I won't comment to your posts anymore. I'm sure you are a nice person but your help is something I do not need.

    Please in the future don't go out of your way to answer any of my posts.

    I'm sure your expertise is needed elsewhere.

  6. gib

    gib Well-Known Member

    Re: Need Help bad, Equifax screwed

    Personally I think he's a bit of a pri....errrr....nevermind.

  7. G. Fisher

    G. Fisher Banned

    Re: Need Help bad, Equifax screwed

    Nothing has gotten the best of me. I'm still here, and the questions remain like a big bubble waiting to pop.

    Why in this or any other forum, does Tac need to answer ANY of your questions. Like you said, this is not a court of law, so why are you speaking down to him like his father or some all-knowing judge.

    Nothing I said was irrelevant. Be specific, please, or stop rambling.

    IF you have a different proposal for solving his question, then go ahead and STATE it.

    I give "proposals" based on vague information as much as I take orders from you.

    Once again, your over-inflated ego has gotten the best of you.

    Why does a comment like that not have very much meaning from someone with a name like yours?

    Thanks for all your advice, but I won't be taking it because it is lousy. I don't read books with bad advice written in 1936. I'm not into Zig Ziglar, Anthony Robbins, Napoleon Hill, Robert Schuller and any other snake oil salesmen.

    You want to talk about the facts?
  8. tac14033

    tac14033 Well-Known Member

    Re: Need Help bad, Equifax screwed

    Talk about quick service from Equifax!!

    I faxed their consumer affairs department my dispute over this and gave them 72hrs to take care of it.

    I called this morning to Consumer Affairs and the lady said it was already deleted as of this morning.

    Mind you I called them at 9:30, this means they must have deleted it right away.

    I am so happy, they will also make sure it does not reappear.

    Thanks for the help!

  9. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    Re: Need Help bad, Equifax screwed

    Congrats! When do you close on your house?

  10. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    Re: Need Help bad, Equifax screwed

    That's good. I'm not into them either. It just seems some people on this board have trouble understanding the "facts".
    Kindness, compassion, humility. These are the only lasting Universal "facts". Everything else changes with time and perspective. Have a great day!


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