This will sound familiar to anyone who has read my posts but please read all of this. Cingular was billing me for an account that I belive I had canceled. I had service from T-Mobile during the time they were billing me. Foolishy I was ignoring their letters for payment and they sold or assigned my account to AFNI (Anderson Financial Network) After ignoring mutiple mailings from AFNI they contacted me at work. I agreed to a payement plan but never admitted that this was my debt. When I started the payment plan I told the agent on the phone that I do not agree this was a debt incurred by me because I did not get a service but I want it to go away. The amount they settled for was less than the amount I originally owed. Previously they were reporing the account only to Equifax. There were reporing 120 days late but after making the last payment they removed all late information and it shows as a Paid Collection account. I understand now that Paid Collection is as bad a listing as collection. Cingular is currently reporting the account ONLY TO TRANSUNION as a closed collection account Date open May 2003, Settled less than full balance/payment after charge off/collection. AFNI is reporting as over 120 days past due. Type of account-Open Type Of Loan-Collection Agency/Attourney. Equifax states per my investingation request that the prior paying history has been deleted from the account. This creditor has verified to Equifax that the current status is being reported correctly. Addition information has been provided from the original souce regardig this item. If I have additional questions abot this item I am to conrtact Anderson Fin Network/Bloom and they provided an address. According to the paper I have from Equifax the DOLA is 7/2001 but there is no date whrre it shows Maj Del 1st Reptd. Now for my questions 1) I thought I read here a collection account can not report as an Open account because it's for a fixed amount. If I said in my complaint that this is not an open account and they are still reporing it as one after they supposedly investigated it, is that a violation? 2) I can't be reported that I was 120 days late if they are reporhing no history at all. Isn't that what deleted history means? 3) Do I now ask them for validation of this debt? Or did my paying it even though I verbally stated I never agreed that I owed the debt screw me?
Did you switch your existing Cingular number over to T-Mobile? That would establish the date of cancelation of Cingular services, subject to any termination clauses. At this point it might be difficult to reopen the issue, but if the documentation of the switch is verifiable, it might be more effective than other paths.
No I did not switch the number. Way back when I changed carriers they did not offer the ability to switch numbers