Need Help In Minneapolis!!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by T Dolittle, Jul 25, 2004.

  1. T Dolittle

    T Dolittle Member

    This site is excellent. Need some help from you guys.

    I live in Minneapolis and real estate here is ridiculously high. Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever own a home. : (

    I recently paid off debt on 2 credit cards (Sears, MBNA). When I looked @ my credit score last summer (when utilizations were both over 90%), I was:

    Equifax - 614
    Transunion - 609
    Experian - 574 ???

    I haven't had a late payment in over 5 years with Sears---and over 2 years with MBNA. 9 and 8 years respectively with each.

    I have a student loan that should come off my record in 2006.

    By getting my balances to 0, how should I expect my scores to increase?

    Would it be possible for me to hit 700 - 720 by the year-end?

    Also, is it true that having a Sears card is a "good" thing?


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