Need help quick

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by BruteForce, Jan 24, 2002.

  1. BruteForce

    BruteForce Well-Known Member

    I have been trying to get a collection agency to verify a debt (signature proof). They obviously don't have this information and it's been over 60 days, so what is my next step? I was going to send the estoppel (this one:, but the heading says it's for a CRA, or creditor.

    So my question is, does this also apply to a collection agency? Thanks in advance.
  2. BruteForce

    BruteForce Well-Known Member


  3. donna8284

    donna8284 Well-Known Member

    Yes, it is similar to the one I use. Just change it to fit your situation if needed.
  4. BruteForce

    BruteForce Well-Known Member

    thanks donna!
  5. donna8284

    donna8284 Well-Known Member

    Welcome :eek:)

    Good luck!

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