Need Help Removing SLLates

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by TVercetti, Oct 25, 2005.

  1. TVercetti

    TVercetti Well-Known Member

    I have been working really hard at credit repair over the past 8 weeks.

    I have brought my scores from a HIGH of 510 to 698, 671 and 590 (last one is low becasue Experian hasn't deleted account yet).

    As of yesterday, I only have one derog item on TU and Equifax. It is a few late payments on a never defaulted Student Loan from DOE.

    I have tried writing a good will letter and disputing but it always comes back verified. Even tried writing my senetor (Kennedy/Kerry) with no luck.

    Should I give up or just keep disputing? I know the DOE has amazing records. They gave me check numbers over the phone going back about 6 years!

    The last part of my question has to do with getting credit. My scores are pretty good, yet I can't get ANY credit except for Orchard.

    I have a total of 12 accounts - many are student loans that are paid in full and are not showing any late pays. All are 'paid as agreed'. The few that have balances left are all current and never late. It seems like I should be able to get some credit. Any ideas?

    I figured once I hit about 700 things would get easier. Will it take a few months for this to happen?

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