Need Help! Tradeline Question

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by T87, Mar 6, 2012.

  1. T87

    T87 Member

    Hello, Im New to this Forum and glad I've found it. Im repairing my credit but this question is for a client of mines. Im a real estate agent and I have a client that has one score thats a 600 and the other 2 in the 590's. He has 2 collections that im going to pay myself which was consolidated at 50%. I need his credit to increase in the next 20-30 days. I know of a few websites that sells tradelines and wanted to know would this increase his score within that time frame? I hear so many different stories from this. One is that they need to be related for it to count. Another thing i hear is that even though your added as a authorized user to a strangers account its still not reported and i want to know whats the truth before I spend my money on it.

    If it works for my client I will also do it for myself which brings me to another question. Does these companies take you off after a few weeks or is it permanent? I would like to use it myself but I dont want to had the tradelines added then its closed in a few weeks. Thanks Guys!! I really like the forum.
  2. Heather L

    Heather L Well-Known Member

    Hello, Welcome to the Forum!
    I work with for a company that sells authorized user accounts and we help people get approved for mortgage loans all of the time. You can see results in just a week or two depending on their reporting date of the cards. You do not have to be related to the cardholder to be added as an authorized user. Not all banks report authorized user accounts and there3 are different ways to get them to report.
    When you purchase an authorized user account from us you are leasing a spot on the card for 60 days. There are only a specific number of people you can add to the cards at one time. Please review our website at BoostMyScore.NET or email me directly at Heather@BoostMyScore.NET with anymore questions. Thank you!
  3. JoshuaHeckathorn

    JoshuaHeckathorn Administrator

    Welcome to Creditnet! We're glad you found us.

    I wouldn't count on it working for your client within a month. Be very careful taking this route too. There are quite a few shady companies out there peddling aged tradelines, or at least there used to be.

    Check first to see if your client has a close relative or something with good credit who would be willing to add him as an authorized user on one of their credit cards in good standing with a low credit utilization. That's the safer route to take in my opinion, and it does work.
  4. kwalker629

    kwalker629 Member

    I've been told that a tradeline has to have 12 months of history on your credit in order for it to count as a tradeline... that's what the underwriter told the broker that we're working with right now.
  5. T87

    T87 Member

    Thanks guys. This is a lot of info to take in. I guess I need to do a little more research.

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