Need help with DOLA

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by DukeaK, Aug 8, 2004.

  1. DukeaK

    DukeaK Well-Known Member

    I have a problem with a couple accounts with DOLA. The last activity I ever had with this creditor was in '95. On my cr it is 2000. I also have another that is off by 3 years. I have read some threads on this subject but I am still lost. I was wondering what the best way to handling this. Thanks
  2. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    The last activity I ever had with this creditor was in '95.
    Dispute with CRA obsolete please remove.
    >What does off by 3 years mean on the other one?
  3. DukeaK

    DukeaK Well-Known Member

    I did dispute with cra, Im waiting for an answer. And the other account was from May of '97 and on my report its listed as opened in 4/2002. So this one is off by 5 years as well. They should have been off my report already if the correct dates were on my cr. The account that was in '95 actually is being listed as opened in 2000. And they say the balance is 14,035 which is ridiculus. I have never heard anything from the OC or the CA on this. The last dealings I had with the OC was in 95, I was leasing a building from them at the time, when my lease was up I moved into a bigger location. I left owing them nothing. So Im just confused how CA and CRA's can get away with things like this...Thanks again for your are always helpful..
  4. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Need help with DOLA

    And the other account was from May of '97 and on my report its listed as opened in 4/2002. So this one is off by 5 years as well.
    Dispute this one as obsolete please remove too.

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