Need help with judgement

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Cam, Aug 26, 2006.

  1. Cam

    Cam New Member

    I got a phone call today from a friend that said they saw my name in the newspaper today about a judgement. I'm not living in that state and there is really no way for me to get back there to fight it. The company with the suit is First Resolution Investments. I am not even sure what the charge is for or if it is even valid. I have had one credit card that I didn't pay a long time ago but I'm not exactly sure when the original charges were made or if this is the one that they are seeking payment for. The original debt from the card was less than $1000 but the suit states an amount of $4,348 plus interest, costs and fees. I'm looking for suggestions on what I should do to attempt to fight this. In the newspaper it just lists it under suits filed. I'm a total newbie so please be patient with me. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Cam

    Cam New Member

    *bump* still seeking advice...
  3. xYBDx

    xYBDx Active Member


    If the judgment ever surfaces in oyur life, you will need to get it vacated as VOID for lack of service and wrong venue.

    If possible, have our friend go to the court and obtain a copy of the case file, so you can know WHAT it is about. If it is omething you will settle or can defeat, then file amotion in that court to have the judgment VACATED for lack of proper service and improper venue.

    But ultimately, if you let it sit, it could show up to mess up a mortgage closing or something else in the future.

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