I received my Experian report today and Discover is still not reading even close to anyone else. Here's how their reporting reads: Status: Petition for Chpt 7 Bankrutpcy/Account Charged off Account History: Charge off as of 8-2001 (Not!!!) Filed chapter 7 Bankruptcy (DISCHARGED!) 8/26/01 to 8/26/01 (huh? Where did they get these dates from???) This account is scheduled to remain until 2-2008 This item was verified on 10-2001 and remained unchanged. (I did try to dispute the "charged off" notation before with no success.) How should I give it a go this time??? I'm totally not sure how to get results on this one! Should I write to Discover about it? Should I just try by the dates and see if it disappears (HA! not with my luck!) or maybe on the "filed instead of discharged" part?? My chapter 7 was filed March 2001 and discharged 7/2001. Nothing happened in August!! This account was included in the bk and wasn't charged off before my case was done. Do I have a shot?? Help!! Any ideas would be appreciated. Newstdt
I think you need to go straight to the creditor with this one. Qoute the FCRA, I think it's rule 623 that points out their obligation to report completely accurate info.
If you filed Chapter 7 and a derogatory entry was entered after the filing date, it is illegal. If you send a letter to the creditor asking why did they violate the BK stay by entering derogatory information in your credit file. They must delete this information or you will inform your trustee that they have made an illegal attempt to collect the discharged debt. And you have the proof!!! The best idea is just to resubmit another investigation. Its pretty clear that both CRA and CA are both in violation of BK laws. In fact, if you called the CRA and state that theres proof that the debt was discharged (the creditor's original entry)and the information was added merely to extend the reporting of this debt. In other words, it was done capriciously.Since they are not going to get their money... Either way chances are pretty good you will get that off. They must be in comply with the BK stay. Hope that helps...