Need Help!!

Discussion in 'General Lounge' started by mike101, May 18, 2002.

  1. mike101

    mike101 Well-Known Member

    This may be the most off-topic posting ever placed on credit net but I know you can almost always find an answer to just about anything here so here goes.

    I just bought a new electric range and have a big problem! What kind of cookware can I use on it? The instructions with it only provide general cookware characteristics, warn that some types can scratch or damage and provide no particular preferred type of cookware, manufacturer, or even material type. The sales guy at the store was no really any help. Anyone else out there have a range of this type and if so what type of cookware do you use? I have checked a few of the cooking web sites and they recommend sets that cost more than the range itself. Actually, I hate the idea of giving up my cast iron pans; I love cooking with them. I am considering sanding or polishing the bottom of them to a super smooth finish and using them but their weight bothers me, they are very heavy and I am afraid could crack the top if dropped or sat down too hard. This could turn into a serious problem. I hate microwave food and do not want to order out. Anyone have any recommendations?

    Since this is the credit net forum I should tell you. I used cash, not credit.
  2. thomas

    thomas Well-Known Member

    Are you talking about a range with a glass top (or whatever it is made of)?

    If so, we use regular teflon type pans with no problem at all. You just have to keep the top clean, or it will become stained permaently.
  3. mike101

    mike101 Well-Known Member

    Guess I should have mentined, I'm not a real teflon fan, but I may need to change. I've heard stainless steel, how's it do?

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