I currently have an account with HSBC that is closed but being paid on monthly to get the acount down. I went over 60 and they closed it. It hasn't been sent out, so I know I am lucky in the aspect, and have been faithly paying for over 6 months now. What I would like, and thought I had seen but haven't ben able to find, is a letter asking for my account to be reinstated and cleared in return of the amount due being paid. Can anyone help? I would like to get this account looking good again.
I was in exactly that situation. HSBC closed my account when it went past 90 days but didn't send it out to collection. I made a payment that got the status current, and kept making payments every month. After nine months, I called customer service and asked about reinstating the account. They told me that they couldn't consider it for reinstatement until there was a zero balance. It took a couple more months to get to the zero balance, then I called customer service and asked again. They said they would put in a reinstatement request and I should call back in two weeks. I called back in two weeks and sure enough, the account was reinstated. I may be pushing my luck, but I just sent them a Goodwill letter to try to get the late payments removed!
Any Luck on this? I have a HSBC with 6 times 30 late (mostly me missing the payment date) Newest is 8 months, 2nd newest is 16 months, with a single (and only) 60 day a little further back. Curious to know how nice HSBC is.
Update - no Goodwill love frm HSBC I've sent three GW letters to HSBC, a month apart. The first one went to customer service and was ignored. The second one was addressed to the president of the company. That one got a response -- they sent me copies of 15 months of statements, showing that they were reporting correctly. The third one was sent right before I received that reply. It went to the address on my credit reports. It's only been a week, but I doubt I'll get any kind of response. My last late payment will have its second anniversary in January, and from what I've read the impact on my credit score will be minimal after that. So I don't know if I'll continue with the GW attempts or not.