Need Math help NOT OT

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by KHM, Apr 23, 2002.

  1. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I applied for a generations loan a few weeks ago *MY* TU score (the one *I* see) was a 693, the day generations pulled my report, yet *THEY* said it was 629.

    After speaking with Generations (VERY nice BTW) they told me their scoring model goes UP TO 850, while ours goes up to 934.

    Well I just pulled my TU and I am at 729, can someone figure out what my CREDITOR score is based on the 150-850 model????? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!?!?!
  2. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    If I'm doing my ratio's correctly....


    x=663 on the 850 scale
  3. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Thats what I thought, but then I kept playing with the calculator:

    TUCreditor score: 150-850

    top end difference of 84 points

    My original TU score: 693
    Creditor score: 629

    difference: 64 points

    so would the average score difference be 74 points?

    This way my score would me 655 (I do like your way MUCH better).

    Also it was 25 days ago I applied, is there a "time limit" on applications for generations? 30?60?90?

    I just sent them a sweet please reconsider and feel free to pull another report (just how bad I want out of my current loan)
  4. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    I just figured it out on the ratio system. It seems like you are making a mountain out of a molehill on this one.
    Their score range is x to y. The score range you are given is a to b. Just 2 sets of data that are related as ratios. a is to x as y is to b.

    Of course I may be wrong, but Calculus III doesn't teach ratios, just 3-D vector crap. LOL
  5. the other

    the other Well-Known Member


    I think your calcuations are about right.
  6. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    Thanks, the other me, it's been a while since ratios were in my head.
  7. the other

    the other Well-Known Member


    It's been a while since I was called "the other me" - the "me" part doesn't fit on the new board so I just stuck with "the other".

    I'm surprised anyone made the connection (even this long after we switched to the new board.

    cool :)
  8. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    I never forget a fellow NY-er. (We live in the same town up until December.) ;)
  9. the other

    the other Well-Known Member

    I would never forget a dellowNY-er either.

    How's married life been treating you?
  10. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    You are correct Erica, I calculated it from the data (Interpolation) not the range (Extrapolation) and arrived at a number very close to yours.

    629/693 = X/729


    I would trust my 3D vector crap to you anyday.

    -Peace, Dave
  11. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't! I didn't finish the class! LOL. I got married and moved mid semester. Oh well, who actually uses that crap anyways! LOL
  12. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    Pretty good, How's the planning going? When is the date? Are you having the reception at the Mapledale like alot of people do? You could have your names in Lights!

    It's too bad I'm not in NY anymore, I coulda crashed the reception. Lol
  13. the other

    the other Well-Known Member

    We haven't set a date yet...sometime within the next year or so though.

    The Mapledale Party house has closed up shop! From what I understand, the next generation in the family didn't want to run the business, and times have been tougher (less and less corporate business since companies aren't having parties like they used to). My fiance even worked there when he was a teenager.
  14. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    Gee!!! Have I really been gone that long? Last time I saw the sign it was lit up with anniversaries and weddings.

    Good luck, and keep me posted. I may just have to go back home soon. Maybe we can meet a Rhythm for some fondue and drinks sometime. I think that will be fun!
  15. whatever

    whatever Well-Known Member

  16. the other

    the other Well-Known Member

    The one and only :)
  17. wolverine

    wolverine Well-Known Member

    back to the subject of TU consumer vs. score the lender gets, you guys are looking at it all wrong. Granted the consumer score is on a different scale up to 934 vs. 850, but you are overlooking the fact that the score factors are different. The TU consumer score is just for fun.

    Example, My TU consumer score was 702 when I applied for Generations. After I got approved, I asked what my score was and they said it was 722, soooo my real TU score was 20 points HIGHER than my consumer score despite the fact that it's on a lower scale. Calculus aside, the cc's use a different model, one we don't have access to. My consumer score goes up and down 100 points some months depending on cc balances. My FICO score on the other hand rarely fluctuates more than 10-20 points in any direction.

    The moral of the story is hold your TU report up to your Equ. report, if they are the same, you know your real TU score. If they have differences, you can make an educated guess about where you stand.
  18. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    You are 98% correct (would have gotten 100% except where you wrote "you guys are looking at it all wrong" :)

    I thought the point WAS to make educated guesses. There is NO way of comparing the scores and coming up with an accurate answer by the mathematical formulas Erica or I used, only a guess ((she'll probably say her's was a much more educated guess though :))

    -Peace, Dave
  19. wolverine

    wolverine Well-Known Member

    But, you're guess isn't founded on any facts. There isn't any mathematical correlation between the two scores. Apples and oranges as they say.

    The TU consumer score is pure bunk. We don't even get any percentile info from them on where our scores stand. I'm right in the 50-60th percentile with Eq and Ex, so I can figure that a 703 Ex score is about the same as a 730 Equ. mf score. However, my TU 680 or 751 or 640 or whatever the random number of the day is, is worthless to me unless you can tell me where it fits with the general population.

    More importantly, we can't accurately assess whether or not we'll get approved from a certain lender without access to an accurate score. You wind up just wasting inquiries because you thought you qualified. With the other CRA's you know your real score within a few points and you can act accordingly.
  20. whatever

    whatever Well-Known Member

    I lived there in the 80's and recall going to the Mapledale a few times.

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