Need mortgage, still have negatives:-(

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by shetektn, Feb 7, 2008.

  1. shetektn

    shetektn Member

    Well, we are having a terrible time acquiring a mortgage. Anyone have experience with a mortgage company/broker that will look at the whole picture, like illness and such and how much better prepared for emergencies now - savings, etc. No BR's or judgements. Last slow pay was not quite a year ago but we have some 150 days past dues. Never late on other mortgage or auto. My hubby thinks we can take a higher interest rate and re-fi later when some of this has aged.

    Any suggestions other than "wait"?

    I'm not 100% clear on the advertising policy other than "don't do it" so you can msg me privately if replying to this thread breaks any sort of policy with the site.
  2. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    What are your scores? Sounds like a non-conforming product to me insofar as I doubt you can explain a few 150 day lates away to FHA.
  3. shetektn

    shetektn Member

    Equifax - 482
    Experian - 534
    TU - 524

    I know, why am I even asking for a mortgage with scores like these! I had between 6 and 7 collections (depending which report) and they have all been paid by deletion (after I've received these scores.) I am just waiting for those to come off.

    So my number one priority right now is the slow pays. I am working on it, but I am pretty sure the 150's won't give me the time of day. They will be there until eternity - okay, 7 years, but it sure feels like a long time being at the beginning of it all.
  4. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    Wait for the deletions you are anticipating to come off, and then see where you are.

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