Before I stick my foot in my mouth per-se should I dispute an old account that was incorrectly listed as Incld.BK 0 Bal with 3 lates prior to the actual BK Filing or just let it go. according to the print out it's due to fall off 12/2008 I'm sure my score will go up with having this tradeline gone plus the 3 lates as well. I just don't want to stir up any problems by bringing this matter up if I don't really have to. TransUnion 683 Equifax 696 Experian 702 fako 709
It's so old that it's not affecting your score much. Don't expect to see a big bump when it goes away. However, since it's only a couple of months you might try to dispute as "obsolete" and see if it goes away.
Try your luck Yes you can always try disputing them, if you think your scores will be improved by doing so. If you your self cannot spare a time for it, you can always hire a repair agency. Be careful while deciding upon a repair agency and opt for the legitimate one.