Folks, I used to live in the States and had some credit cards(with very small line of credit). I left the US in 2002 and I used all my credit cards for purchasing and did some cash withdrawals. Obviously, those credits transections are still unpaid for all these years and now I'm planning to get back to the US. My questions are, would those creditors find me out if I get a job or open my own business? Also, would I be able to open bank account or buy a car on cash payment, buy health insurance? Some suggested to file for bankcrupcy. How much hussle involved there? I don't need to apply for a credit card, but I would definitely need to open bank account. Can I get a job and receive pay check without alerting those creditors? Also, how long those creditors would hunt me for unpaid credits? Someone please give me some advice. I know I made some mistakes, and I'm not proud of what I did. But I also believe that there are ways which would help me steer away from getting in troubles for my mistakes. Any thoughtful suggestion fro someone with sound advice is appreciated in advance.
first of all, get a copy of your reports and see exactly how bad it is. secondly - opt out third - post the results back here. you wont know how your situation is yntil you pull your reports.