Hello All, I'm in desperate need of a lawyer to do some credit repair but am overwhelmed by the number of websites offering credit repair attorneys and can't figure out how to find a legitimate one. I have tried to find objective listings by doing searches on the web but just keep coming up with all the ads and nothing objective. Can anyone give me feedback on someone they have used? I really feel the need to use an attorney as opposed to a credit counselor because I have had judgements against me and think there may be more coming. I am also caring for someone dying cancer and can't put in the time to do all the footwork involved with credit repair myself. Please advise - I am scared to death of every knock on the door and every phone call. Thanks in advance for your replies.
If you have judgments against you with the possibility of more coming, you do not need an attorney for credit repair. You might want to find a competant BK attorney, or one that can advise you in asset protection. The most credit repair can do for you is remove the information from your reports, it can't stop legal action.
Look at who's doing filings at your local BK courthouse, that's how to find practicing BK attorneys. http://www.uscourts.gov/courtlinks/
The above advice is unfortunately right on the money. A credit repair company, even those operated by attorneys, cannot really address insolvency. Credit Repair is for those that are have essentially weathered the storm. Sounds as though you have some strong winds yet to blow and you need a way to get out of their path. Consult a BK attorney. You should be able to file CH-7 for about $750 to $1500 depending upon your jurisdiction.