Need to get score up

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by losercore, Oct 1, 2007.

  1. losercore

    losercore Well-Known Member

    Hi all.

    What can I do to push my score up?

    I am going to pay off all my debts except for my student loans this week.

    All credit cards and 2 car payments all gone. The only debt i will have will be student loans and a payment that is about $100 a month for that.

    I am looking at getting a first time home loan and i need to get my nedian score to 660 for the loan I am looking at.

    EX - 600
    TU - 587
    EQ - 610

    I have only one derog for like $100 from something that I don't even know what it is. I guess I could pay that. It's a collection. Not sure paying it will help any.

    And a 60 day late on a student loan. This is hurting me cause it's very recent but not my fault but you know how that goes.

    My problem is lentgh of credit (Almost all less than 2 years) and low limits on cards. (Highest limit is $700 but I do have multiple (5) major Visa/MC accounts)

    So with no debts and cards paid off i expect a little increas.

    What can I do to push my score up ASAP?

  2. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    I'll get flamed for this but, you have two options:

    1) Add additional positive credit with some real credit lines and history. You can ask a friend or relative to add you to some revolving accounts. If this isn't an option, there are companies which will provide this service to you for a fee. Some are reasonable, some are not. Some are reputable, some are not. Do your due diligence in terms of seeing whether they are licensed, registered, bonded, and preferably, a member of the Better Business Bureau;


    2) You can dispute the student tradeline loan late payment. Chances of removing this are slim to none insofar as student loans are extremely difficult to remove without some substantive form of evidence indicating the payment wasn't late or it was through no fault of your own. Even then, it can be difficult.

    You can also dispute the collection although, with a file as thin as yours you will not receive much of a score increase due to the fact it is so old if in the event it is deleted. It is possible it could actually decrease your scores if deleted inasmuch as it still accounts for history even if derogatory.

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