Need to know why info is inaccurate

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Melvina, Aug 26, 2002.

  1. Melvina

    Melvina Well-Known Member

    What a crock of bull. The last three letters I sent to Experian, they responded

    "We are responding to your request to verify information appearing on your personal credit report. The item(s) listed below could not be investigated because you did not tell us specifically why the information is inaccurate. Please send us detailed reasons why the information is inaccurate, then we will be able to begin our verification process."

    Um, I'm sorry - but I thought that that was their job.


    Can I go directly to intent to sue? I am on the last few ones and I do not have the patience nor inclination to deal with their bullsh!t.

    Please advise.
  2. vanili

    vanili Well-Known Member are supposed to tell them why the info is would they know what to investigate? What did you say in your initial letters to them?
  3. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    you can list a reason without the details. not mine, never had a chargeoffm account was never late...etc.
  4. Melvina

    Melvina Well-Known Member

    I said that the account contains inaccurate information.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

  6. Melvina

    Melvina Well-Known Member

    Well crud.

    I hate it when I'm wrong.

    Thank y'all for your replies.
  7. rblues

    rblues Well-Known Member

    Way too vague.

    It's actually better to state one reason, ie never late, not mine, etc because if the listing is verified, then you can dispute again with a different reason.

    You only use the "inaccurate info" line with an OC or CA.

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