Need unsecured card post BK

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Diane1432, Aug 21, 2005.

  1. Diane1432

    Diane1432 Active Member

    My husband needs to get his scores up post BK and I want him to get a secured card though Orchard because it has a very high limit and he might need to use it for work if he cannot get a Corp card right away. We have to stay away from first Premeier because he discharged one of those. But we do not have the money right away to get a secured card until he starts working. I would like him a very low limit card unsecured card to boost his scores but it seems the options are limited to Bank one products and Orchard. You cannot have both secured and unsecured Orchard bank cards. Any suggestions?

    Also, my mom is putting us on her Sears card to try to boost our scores? Will Sears report us?

    Experian 599
    Transunion 500
    Equifax 545

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