Neg public records..??help.. newbie

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Jcarrejo, Jan 4, 2003.

  1. Jcarrejo

    Jcarrejo Member

    Hello everybody! I just found this website and I think its great. I have been in front of this computer now for like 4 hours.. just reading. I have now recieved all of my credit reports and scores..from creditexpert (574) (643)
    and from
    I have 2 questions: 1. is the score from the fico score?
    My 2nd question is more of an in depth question which if you can only answer one at a time I would rather know the answer to this one.
    On 4/14/2001 I went to court on an accident I thought was the other guys fault. (since he started making a left turn then as I went to pass him he turned right so I hit him) Well since I wasn't prepared with pictures and all the evidence of why I thought HE was at fault, HE won and I had to pay him 450 bucks for him to fix his P.O.S 1973 truck. (in case you can't figure it out which I am sure most of you can P.O.S. stans for Piece Of S***)
    Anyway, I paid him right there on the spot and called it a day.. learned from that and moved on.. well.. when I went to buy my house 7 months ago I saw that civil claim on my credit report as a bad thing. ( ok I am geting to the question)
    Is there anything that I can do to take that off of my credit report? and if not how long will that affect my credit score?

    Thanks in advance...

  2. matt30

    matt30 Well-Known Member

    I would think that if you can produce the court papers showing this was paid, you should get it cleared. I didn't think court proceedings like auto accident settlements were suspose to go on your credit record unless you defaulted.
  3. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member


    It doesn't matter if it's paid or not paid, it's a public record on a CONSUMER REPORT, we only call them credit reports because that is what we're familiar with and come to understand them as.

    However, the definition is so much bigger it's scary! Our reports aren't limited to credit-related items and just that kind of information being reported is why insurance agencies and employers, for instance, are running reports.

    Think of everything in your life that is not labelled as "confidential" and imagine that being in a database somewhere. Imagine, heck, it is! Even that which is "confidential" or you think so is databased -- confidential always has exceptions! Now see all those databases linked together, that's not imaginary either.

    Summons Breeze to help you, she'd know what is most effective for your specific situation

  4. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Yeah I'm a bit confused.

    If you paid it on the spot why the hell is it on your CR?

    BMV or something I could understand but this trashes ones score.

    Is that what you get for losing your case and paying SAME DAMN DAY?

    Lets look at this another way. Suppose I sue a CRA, lose and the judge orders me to pay their fees. I write a check before I leave court. Does that show up on my report?

    Does that mean I'm a "judgement debtor"?

  5. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    Fave Butch growling dude:

    Think different about this, that you were involved in a court action (public record) at all, win - loose - draw, is reportable! It doesn't necessarily have to do with debts.

    Check this out:

    (d) Consumer report.

    (1) In general. The term "consumer report" means any written, oral, or other communication of any information by a consumer reporting agency bearing on a consumer's credit worthiness, credit standing, credit capacity, character, general reputation, personal characteristics, or mode of living which is used or expected to be used or collected in whole or in part for the purpose of serving as a factor in establishing the consumer's eligibility for

    (A) credit or insurance to be used primarily for personal, family, or household purposes;

    (B) employment purposes; or

    (C) any other purpose authorized under section 604 [§ 1681b].

    And read this section with new eyes, note what is NOT listed:

    You remember the "credit" check for plane tickets thread?

    There's the MIB, all the aliases of the "consumer reporting agencies," demographic information, zip coding via those last four digits, street information, property tax and ownership information, every warranty card you filled out, rental information, all those trips to the grocery store and you used your store card for discounts, driving records, school records, voting, car registration, perscription records, bankruptcy records (which is all your financial information combined), federal taxes, state taxes, ummmm, it's endless I say, endless!

  6. Jcarrejo

    Jcarrejo Member


    I was adviced to "summones" you because you might know.. if you can see my original post that would be greatly appreciated.. thank you

  7. NEILoans

    NEILoans Member

    Hi Sassy,
    This all sounds terrible. I knew that insurance agencies check credit (got a loan for a client and we had lots of trouble getting the insurance, we joked that he could get a house, but not the insurance for it-was not funny, but all we could do is joke about it)
    Now I am seeing that people have trouble getting into a rental due to poor credit.
    does not seem that there is much anyone can do about it...or is there?
    Charles Clark
  8. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Think different about this, that you were involved in a court action (public record) at all, win - loose - or draw, is reportable! It doesn't necessarily have to do with debts.
    I had a suit placed on my report and I was the plaintiff.
  9. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Does not seem that there is much anyone can do about it...or is there?
    Charles Clark
    Don't support them with your hard earned money.
    Quit giving it to them only to be used against you in an effort to bleed you out of even more.

    LB 59
  10. NEILoans

    NEILoans Member

    Well, sad thing is that I have to support the CRA, as I do mortgage loans and so... One of the things that they do that is beyond awefull is that the let consumers (were probably forced to by law) get their credit scores, but they are not the same scores that we use, so the client thinks that we are up in the night when we come back and say "no your TU score is 600, not the 640 that they said to you." Oh well.

    Then to rant a little, I needed a 3rd score to make something work, TU would not pull up. Tried 3 times, still no. then the client gets them to send a report. Now the question is.. it is the real one? Why don't they give it to me?

    Oh, well, glad to be a part of this, but back to work.
    Charles Clark
  11. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    =================Paid or not it is a public record and can be reported for ten years

  12. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    1*It doesn't matter if it's paid or not paid, it's a public record on a CONSUMER REPORT.
    2*Our reports aren't limited to credit-related items
    1* And is reportable for 10 years
    2*That's rite& anything goes.

    LB 59

  13. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    1*Because it's a public record and because there are no restrictions on the kind or type of info. that is permitted to be reported.
    2*That Their Goal.
    4*Since it's a public record -Yes.
    5* To them yes.

    LB 59
  14. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    Just dispute it as "not mine" it will probably come off!
  15. Plysaker

    Plysaker Well-Known Member

    Okay, I ahve a JUDGEMENT on my report, that is mine and is not paid. Filled in 8/1997 EXP says it is scheduled to appear until 8-2004.

    Are they disputable?

    If disputed as "not mine" would they verify the debt, and possibly cause collection proceedings? (liens, garnshments, etc?)

    this original post was looking for peoples help / experiance at getting them OFF, not tirades as to the format or validity of the existance of them. Mine exists, it sucks. PAYING it is a brutal unwanted option.

  16. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Have you tried to vacate it?
  17. Plysaker

    Plysaker Well-Known Member

    searching for vacate... dunno what that is, in regards to a judgement....
  18. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Voiding it due to improper service.
  19. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    you can dispute it as not mine.... they do not verify public records with the OC, it is verified by the court where the judgement is rendered. I would say you have a good chance to have this item deleted. I have had pr items deleted from my cr that were more recent than yours and that were unpaid!
  20. Plysaker

    Plysaker Well-Known Member

    So, Just dispute with the CA. Okay... I have been hot and heavy with those guys, CHOD and all. I will Give this a shot, BUT!!!! If the courts are contacted, do they contact the Plantiff?

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