NEVER: I say never ever make this mistake

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by GatorMike, Sep 5, 2008.

  1. GatorMike

    GatorMike Member

    I don't know if anybody else here has ever made this mistake but I did and I am trying to straighten it out right now.

    A few days back I was trying to dispute an item on my credit report from experian online. I was going through the whole point and click ordeal and was having a bad day. When asked why I was disputing I accidentaly clicked on a box that said fraud alert. All I was trying to say was that I had no knowledge of said account and I just wasn't thinking. Well since then not only have I found it almost impossible to access any information about my experian credit file but I have received a ton of paperwork from the Credit Agency from the Hospital where the original bill originated from and from experian. Since I can't seem to find any phone number at experian where you can talk to a live person I am freaking out. I guess I could just ignore the paperwork and let the fraud alert expire in 90 days but I'd really like to get it straightened out.

    Any suggestions on how to remove this fraud alert?
  2. greg1045

    greg1045 Well-Known Member

    Getting a "live" person on the phone won't help very much either. These "live" persons are somewhere in India or Pakistan. Send a CMRRR letter to the credit agency, and explain what happened.
  3. jjgross

    jjgross Well-Known Member

    Wnen you get someome on the phone your better off going to your local preschool and explain the problem.
  4. GatorMike

    GatorMike Member

    Maybe I wil just let it be. I just found out they deleted the line I was disputing. The paperwork on fraud I got from the credit agency reporting the debt in question came with a letter saying how they consider identity theft a serious matter and so on. Experian are the ones who have made it impossible to get hold of anybody to correct a problem and after all it was just an honest mistake I can't seem to get corrected. I don't see how one could get into serious trouble for hitting the wrong key on a computer especially when there is no way to correct it.

    Hey maybe I found a new way to get a line deleted.....I wouldn't suggest anybody try this tho.
  5. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    Just leave it be. You didn't intentionally lie and even if you did, there is no law against it. Bear in mind, we do not advocate intentionally lying and we don't do it for our clients.

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