Never Late Letter

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by d-angelo, May 5, 2005.

  1. d-angelo

    d-angelo Active Member

    Is there an example of a "never late letter", and cound someone give opions on my posts lable "ready to tackle CR". I'll bump it up, thanks in advance.
  2. d-angelo

    d-angelo Active Member

  3. d-angelo

    d-angelo Active Member

  4. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    thank you for the link.

    I would like to see our database of letters increased and updated.
  5. geekpipe

    geekpipe Well-Known Member

    Lets say you get a lae removed from CR. Doesnt the cc company update it the next month again with the 30 day late?
  6. goofsr

    goofsr New Member

    Do you have a link to the beginning of that entire thing, starting at lesson 1? I tried to find it but couldn't. Thanks.
  7. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

  8. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

  9. lisa

    lisa Administrator

  10. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    Hey Lisa - can we make this thread a sticky?
  11. d-angelo

    d-angelo Active Member

    I think you're correct about the last number correspondence.
  12. lisa

    lisa Administrator

    Hi Jen,

    I want to add the "never late" letter to the sample letters and also create a new sticky with the information found in that lecture; this will keep the information accessible in the future even if the original website changes its link structure or removes the information completely from their site. Before doing so, however, I've asked for permission from the author and should hear back soon.

    Any other information from this thread you want to keep?


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