New, and confused with TU report

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ~ccsoc~, Jul 18, 2006.

  1. ~ccsoc~

    ~ccsoc~ Member

    I have been a lurker for a while.
    I have decided to start working on my mess.
    I pulled TU and found that one line of credit....Fingerhut (what was I thinking??) is reported 3 different times. The original, then I guess it was sold to a collection agency 2 different times. So, they are all 3 reporting!!

    Is this how it is supposed to be? 3 reports for one account??
    I did a search and couldnt really find out much.

    Please let me know what to do.

  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    When did the account originally go delinquent?
  3. mouthpiece

    mouthpiece Active Member

  4. ~ccsoc~

    ~ccsoc~ Member

    Well, you are correct. I do know how to dispute items, and have.
    That is not the question that I am asking.

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