New and needing direction...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Tanq16, May 26, 2005.

  1. Tanq16

    Tanq16 Member

    Hello, I am new to this board and relatively new to the credit reapair process so bear with me as I have some questions taking on my first dispute, so here's the deal...

    As a student I made some wrong credit decisions, big surprise, and am paying the price and trying to right the ship.

    I was recently denied credit (I hadn't even applied for anything for over 5 years) so I got my free report from TU. As I was waiting for that to arrive I was coincidentally contacted by a CA concerning an account with Discover that I haven't even seen a bill from since 98 or 99. I have since recieved the report and a letter from the CA giving me 30 days to request verification or accept the bill. Here is where it gets interesting...

    I have only had one discover card in my life, and it had a limit of $1000, however on my report there are 2 "adverse accounts" from Discover both now with CAs, one for over $3000 (the one recently being persued) and another for over $4000. The report says both will be removed 5/06, but the accounts were started in Ohio with an SOL of 6 years, so I believe that is up at the end of this month. That said I have 2 questions,

    1. Is there any way to find out for sure when the 6 years SOL got started or will end?

    2. Is this the right course of action:

    First--wait till June for SOL to pass

    Second--Send Verification request to CA

    Third--week after sending verification request, send dispute to TU--if so, what is my dispute, duplicate accounts, the amount, SOL or what?

    PLEASE let me know if there are any flaws in this plan, or if I'm way off base and need to do something totally different, add/remove steps timing etc. I am so glad I found this forum, I have learned a lot, and am looking forward to getting the process started because a journey of 1000 miles starts with the first step.
  2. dacoldest

    dacoldest Well-Known Member

    I think a little patience is needed here. Wait to see if both are remove 5/06 if they are not dispute them as outdate with the actual bureaus 1st then wait to see what happens.
  3. Tanq16

    Tanq16 Member

    If I wait till 5/06, what do I do about the CA trying to collect right now?

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