new at this...need some help

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by misbehavin, Aug 5, 2004.

  1. misbehavin

    misbehavin New Member

    i recently disputed a debt (providian) online with the CRAs after i sent out a validation letter (cmrr). the green card was signed for on 7/19/04 and i disputed online. i received a "validation" letter back from providian which did not include everything that i asked for. it was simply a statement of the account. i had originally asked for the original contract/charges posted/etc..... on the same day that i received the "validation" from providian, i also received a letter from a CA (NAFS) regarding the same account. now, since they have apparently sold the account to a CA. do i follow up with another validation request to the new CA? with the OC? or is there anything i can do about the not so real validaiton that i received. just wondering what step to take next. i disputed the item online on the 21st and the val letter was written on the 23rd. is there anything to be done about them sending val while the item is in dispute? i think i'm just confusing myself. thanks for any help you can give me.
  2. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Read the validation thread in this link
  3. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    1* i sent out a validation letter (cmrr). the green card was signed for on 7/19/04
    2* i received a "validation" letter back from providian
    3*it did not include everything that i asked for.
    4*i had originally asked for the original contract/charges posted/etc....
    5* i also received a letter from a CA (NAFS) regarding the same account. now, since they have apparently sold the account to a CA. do i follow up with another validation request to the new CA? .
    6*Can anything to be done about them sending Val. while the item is in dispute?
    1*A VL is for CAs
    2*OCs CRAs and CAs don't send Consumers Validation Letters. Consumers send CAs VAL. Letters.
    3*Good Rejoice in that.
    4*Why ask for what you don't want? Be carefulll what you ask for you migjht get it, then what will you do with it?
    5* Yes, but don't ask them for all this the original contract/charges posted/etc....
    6*No cause this isn't an offense.

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