you might be right Bunter. probably credit behaviour and length of credit history are more of determining factors. my history is relatively short for someone my age (46) - in fact a few years ago - a creditor - i think it was MBNA - actaully asked me why. when i explained ot her that i lived out of the country from age 13 til age 38 - she said she understood - but they still wouldn't grant me a card at that time because of my short history. (side note - i never re-aplied with MBNA - nor Capital One - which i also applied for in the beginning and was turned down - due to lack of credit history - becasue they both check more than one cra - and that annoys me)
Mark.... just curious what an amex open card is, specifically... what makes it "special" re: "open" and wondered if you were self-employed? In regards to all this income stuff...I've been wondering if I am putting too much income down. I mean, it's accurate, if not low, but I think they look at my over-used, little bitty lines and think, yeah right! Until about 18 mos ago, I didn't have a clue about credit and frankly paid cash for most everything. I too have a short history, and unfortunately, 2 lates 19 mos ago which woke me up to how much they'll affect you.
Amy just to make sure we're on the same page - an amex listed as "open" on your credit report is a charge card (like the green or gold) which means you pay it back in full every month. The "Amex Open" is a business card - which I got for my business and its not listed on your personal credit report. in my case - my biz partner and I co-own the business - which is a small corporation - a publishing company. We share in the profits (much less this year - ouch but we are employees of the company. i believe i've read here that even if you're self employed - or just opened your own business - even if it's not listed anywhere - and still in the planning stages in your mind - if you catch my drift - you are eligible for a business credit card. Regarding your lates - as far as I know - the more time that goes by - those lates have less of an impact.