New Credit Bureau in Town

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by lumpsum, Dec 26, 2005.

  1. lumpsum

    lumpsum New Member

  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Are they local, or national?

    They show the usual required consumer dispute disclosures, but with no mention of free annual credit reports. Presumably they claim to not be national.

    They appear to be catering to landlords and small businesses who don't do enough business to interest the big three.

    Very skimpy visibility on the web:

    One mention here, on Dec, 24, 2005, appears to be from them:

    And one report on Dec. 21, 2005, of a Home Depot application turned down due to a pull from allcreditdata on

    Both of the above are VERY recent.

    No BBB report.

    Were you notified by a lender that they will pull or have pulled your report from them?

    They may be legitimate, but I am always suspicious of any business located in Las Vegas NV. (I am also suspicious of businesses in FL.)

    Be careful who you give your ID info to. Anyone can make a web site.

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