New File...Nd Help, pay$

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by KG, Sep 29, 2002.

  1. KG

    KG Active Member

    Hey Board,

    You know that last holiday we had a few weeks ago, that weekend I went for a walk...It was about 1:00am...when a got to an over pass I looked down at the fry. It was just short of bumper to bumper but it was moving about 45-55mph......every body was tail-gating everybody, and yes, there were no accidents..just.....I could see the high stress level of extreme recklessness.....caught up on the freeway and caught up in life...!about eight miles up as far as I could see and four back....4 lanes each side..
    I looked liked something in a movie.....even to me and I've been hear almost all my life...

    Anyway the (lizard)King, He's right.....6months -a yr. to clean or 2yrs to build...It's no secret that I have a very big family and am slowly getting back into the real estate business...I at times had to live on credit and new ways to multiply it 4 times to leverage putting deals together for others to buy...
    eather way it goes you eventually have to be a strong guarantor......or need one.
    (I have been up all night and am so tired I can't hardly remember how many thumbs I have on my right hand) I don't want to wake my daughter or wife to check my typos and grammer and spelling, bare with me and go to my other post "New File...paid $200.oo 4book" and then to "don't get mad at me" and tell me of ways to get enhancements done....time is money so I will pay an individual or company who can supply these types of services.....I have helped put these this types of services together in the past for my own clients.
    I hittin the sack, it's daylight....
  2. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    KG (always caps) formerly known as, kev (always a small "k"), NOT BKev -- see, I've been following, ty for the clarification.

    Why do you keep posting new threads asking the same question? I searched your 2001 kev (always a small "k") posts -- the same question then too! For a year, you've been asking the same thing!

    This is how it works:

    1. Earn: If you don't have enough money you have to earn it = work. If you still don't have enough money you have to earn more = more work, additional work.

    2. Inherit: You have rich relatives that are near death or poor relatives with insurance policies designating you as the beneficiary = inherited money.

    3. Steal: You commit a crime to take money that isn't yours because number 1 and 2 don't work for you = stolen money.

    4. There is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

    5. There are no trees that grow money.

    6. No one is going to give you a credit card if you have no means to pay it and the fees/interest back.

    7. Ditto for a guarantor.

    8. A new file is illegal.

    9. Creating and using an EIN/TIN for other than it's lawful purposes (see IRS links from the redundant thread) is illegal.

    10. Nothing is free

    You keep using the word "enhancement" -- and insisting there are ways to "get enhancement done."

    enhance, verb 1. syn see intensity; elevate, lift, raise; enlarge (upon), exaggerate, strengthen, augment, build (up), increace; adorn, beautify, embellish, embroider

    enhancement, noun, syn see accompaniment 1; improvement, intesification

    This board has been giving you "credit enhancement" advice for a year -- you are still asking the same question while ignoring all advice and opinions.

    Here is my summary of your position and request:

    You agree LizardKing is right -- 6 months to a year to clean reports -- 2 years to rebuild.

    You have a very big family and are slowly getting back into real estate.

    You at times had to live on credit and multiply it 4 times to leverage putting deals together for others to buy; you have to have a strong guarantor or be one.

    You spent 200 bucks on a book telling you how to use an EIN/TIN to establish new credit (sassy note: no one here charged you 200 bucks to tell you it was illegal AND back it up).

    1. You have no money

    2. You need money

    3. You aren't willing to spend the time necessary to follow LizardKing's advice, though you agree with it. "Time is money"

    4. You've spent a year asking the same question -- (sassy note: what happend to "time is money"? You could be done by now).

    5. You are looking and insisting on receiving advice on something that does not exist. (sassy note: If I knew where money trees were growing, I promise, I would tell you!)

    6. You said you previously put together these kind of using credit to multiply it 4 times deals for others to buy (sassy note: well, how did you do it then that you are looking for us to share and endorse now?)

    7. You stay up all night trying to figure out how to create money out of nothing.

    You MUST want to read something different since you keep re-posting, so here is what I've come up with:

    Find yourself a sugar-mama or sugar-daddy, as your preferences dictate and get some sleep!!!.

  3. gib

    gib Well-Known Member

    Yeah, what sassy said =)
    Just to add one more thing though, if you are leveraging YOUR credit for others to buy real estate deals, you need to buy a book or maybe Carleton Sheets course on real estate investing.

  4. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Sassy is absolutely, 100 % correct. Kev or should I say kev, has been asking the same question over and over and gets the same advice, yet ignores it and asks again. My suggestion: he ignores our advice, I suggest we ignore his questions.
  5. anna

    anna Well-Known Member

    If you are running a business as a sole propritor and have an EIN, you may file your federal taxes under your SS# OR you EIN#. The IRS doesn't care. If you are a sole propritor, you don't NEED an EIN unless you are under the watch of the Bureau of Acohol, Firearms, or Tobacco. What does this have to do with the issue at hand? Probaly nothing, I just thouight it was interesting. :)
  6. KG

    KG Active Member

    I have used these various methods for clients and was working with a guy closely who did credit repair....I simply am looking for new methods and I have used much of this advice through the years on clients.....I just never got around to doing it myself...It's just like when I was an apt manager for 20+ years....I was so burned could come in my apt and the door nobs were off, the toilet was broke, some of the light switch covers were off, I cut the water off from the bottom of the sink....the place was very very clean, you could eat off my floor...I would wipe it each night with a towel not a mop....the rest of the building had to be one of the best places on that whole block....the when I came in my place I didn't want to fix another thing...I would sometimes pick the door nob off the floor just to open the door and later on the kids would knock it back off.....It probably wouldn't have taken but 5min to fix it but I never got around to it......
    I'm caught up in the rat race probably more than you can understand......
  7. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Kev, maybe the reason you bring this up again and again in multiple threads over long periods of time is because you're actually hoping to drum up business for somebody. You'll agree that such motivation isn't completely out of the realm of the possible anyway -- surely you could imagine someone doing that here even if that doesn't explain your personal behavior.

  8. suzza

    suzza Well-Known Member

    I'm having to agree with you, Doc. This is the 3rd or 4th thread he's started over this in the last week or so. I, for one, am getting tired of the same questions over and over again.
  9. rhaeny

    rhaeny Well-Known Member

    This guy is a glutten for punishment. He wants to hear something that isn't true. He wants us to confirm his fantasy in his mind. He's been told over and over again EXACTLY what to do, yet he ignores the advice given by everyone. I'm sorry to say but I think the help he needs is beyond what this board can give him.
  10. KG

    KG Active Member

    Like I said before...The advice I get here I share with others....I just choose to learn as much as possible. You don't know what I use and don't use.
    Real estate involves 33-50% credit, and with fico driven programs nothing but credit! I need new cutting edge methods and I'm hoping that I can get it in a place where nothing but credit is being discussed 24-7.....I know some real players who started I don't know where they are.

    thanks so much for all the advice...some of you know me as well as my says I am real good and annoying at asking the same question 5 different sister's husband says the same thing about her......DONT ME ANNOYED, the advice over the years here has made me some money...I forget the guys name, but he told me about and I built a file from scrach for a client and charged them well, but it cost over a 1000 dollars a need somethin........
  11. rblues

    rblues Well-Known Member

    Is this thread for real? I feel like I'm reading a page out of some deluded guys mind. <sigh> I wish we had emoticons on this board so that I could put a big fat rolleyes right here.
  12. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    kev, I think you should go ahead and get an EIN and start a new file. Happy now?
  13. keepmine

    keepmine Well-Known Member

    I agree with LKH.

    {We're just doing our part to try and thin the herd!}

    DISPUTER Well-Known Member

    Me too...I think that is an excellent idea.
  15. skwirl

    skwirl Well-Known Member

    OK, I have been watching the posts from kev with an odd interest for the past couple weeks. I do HONESTLY have a solution to his problem but first I want to explain how I came up with it.
    To recap....kev came to this board for advice or should I say, he was doing something illegal and knew it but was looking for validation from others so he wouldn't feel so guilty, when he got the truth instead of validation he became very hostile(angry). His anger and indignation showed for several posts but then he turned on the "woe is me" and "I love you guys".
    When he still didn't get the advice he wanted to hear he tried "shmoozing" the crowd.
    As an almost last ditch effort when that didn't work, he tried the same post in different words.
    Now, from all of his posts I have read and what personal info about his past and his life in general that kev has shared with us I have to come to the conclusion that kev almost certainly in the past, and definately in the present has a true need for the couch of a good psychologist/psychiatrist and a heavy dose of Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft or Wellbutrin.
    When someone(I don't remember who, sorry) gave him the cold hard facts that he should get a job that pays instead of looking for a free ride(I know I paraphrased and used a little poetic license there) they hit the nail right on the head. But first and foremost, I think kev should get treatment for his depression and possible psychosis.
    I am not a doctor and can not diagnos nor would I try but I am a nurse(in real life) and have seen enough people that display his type of behavior and 99% of the time it falls back to depression or other mental disorders. Now...for you kev....don't get angry with my post. I know I was a wise a.. the last post I made on you(my wife says that's force of habit) but this post is serious and heartfelt. No, I do not feel sorry for you because in all likelyhood you won't take my advice either but without knowing another thing about you I would bet a month salary that I am right!
  16. rhaeny

    rhaeny Well-Known Member

    KG, please go ahead and do the new credit file. I think that this a great idea!! Please post all the news about how everything is going. Also, I think they have internet access in the jails.
  17. cibomatto

    cibomatto Well-Known Member

    hahaha :)

    hey I have some advice... do not drop the soap...

    if you do... well.. close your eyes and relax and just know it will be over soon.. :p
  18. rhaeny

    rhaeny Well-Known Member

  19. KG

    KG Active Member

    .................sup.....well at least some of those wise as_ statements make a good joke but bad for business......thanks anyway.........kev
  20. KG

    KG Active Member

    I will get my credit cleaned in the process.....are those of you happy now.....and why do some of you get so emotional when talk is cheep......I could care less if you do what I say or not......but if you ask my opinion I will give it unemotionally.....some of you act like my kids....always getting upset with each other and fighting and saying critizing and ugly jokes when the other simple has a different choice.....I am willing to bet your not a parent......if you don't have anything agreeable to say I am tired of hearing it.........du.......keep it to yourself.....I tired of getting junk email please, go argue with your cat or play on the phone......but stop talking to me.....set up your own post and talk about me there behind my back so I won't have to waste my time reading something that is not adding to my goals....have vision...this is a discussion board......Hey, not bad.....I sound like my mother a little.....when she use to talk to me like that...I would go out and make a lot of money.....maybe you might go make some will get busy soon again with my life and might not turn up again for another few months to a year....I didn't even know it had been that long.....Just for those of you who care, I had my first 4 children a year a part and ( three in diapers at once) and I chose not to leave my wife with all that work and drove a cab day and night and came and went all during the day and night.....I haven't worked a regular job in years...I ran a self created sales team off and on and always did my own thing.....I had to and almost always made cash and didn't even use my credit until five years ago....but helped others build theres in real estate......


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