Ding dong, kev......... if you don't want to see it, don't ask the same frigging question 200 different ways. Now, I suggest you get your EIN and follow the instructions in your $200 book. Then report back in 6 months as to your progress. But please, not before then.
Blah, blah, blah Blah, Blah, Blah again How long ago was it that you were in school that you made straight A+'s and the honor roll in college bound vocabulary? Based on your posts, its been a long time or either a fantasy. Kev, you are really mixed up. You have some serious issues beyond credit repair or new file creation to get you out of the mess that you're in. What exactly is it that you want from this board? We've answered your same question every way you've asked it. I don't think you'll get much more help because you obviously don't want the help. As for us being like children I think it is you who is acting childish. Children often beg and beg their parents for something until the parents finally give in. You are the child here and this board is the parent. The only difference here is that you are not going to get what you are begging for.
I just have to say, I am sooooo bummed you didn't find a sugar mama/daddy yet and obviously are still hanging out on the overpasses watching the traffic jams at 1a. Dude, get your EIN, follow the advise in your book! Sassy Edit: Just searched on acu4credit.com http://consumers.creditnet.com/stra...id=86585&sortby=lastpost&sortorder=descending I'm not playing with you anymore, KG -- kev. Recess is over, back to class! What kind of game is this with you (don't answer, it's a rhetorical question). Are you really advertising for these illegal services and trying to drum up business. Last year, when you continued to post the same thing over and over and over it was in trying to solicit an endorsement of those illegal services. All the c-netters then said the same thing you are reading now. Illegal, don't do it. This year, you're just twisting the question and promoting the same illegal services, insisting there must be more. Really, knock yourself out, empower yourself, you're wasting time ("time is money") -- you don't need our approval or blessing; you are in charge of your life and the decisions you make; do what you obviously want to do and be done with it. Sassy
I just searched on register.com for the owner of acu4credit.com. I don't think I would trust anyone with that name and only an altavista email address. But, kev, knock yourself out!
Here's the registrant for acu4credit.com! Domain Name: ACU4CREDIT.COM Registrant and Administrative Contact: Clay, Crettus (CCI144) crettusc@ALTAVISTA.COM Crettus Clay 2420 Denby Lane Abbeville , LA 70510 (318) 892-6728 Doc
Hey Doc, Don't you think that Mr. Clay would know EXACTLY how to fix someone's credit? That's why he has a free email address. (please note...I don't think there's anything wrong with a "personal" free email address, but I wouldn't do business with anyone who had one.)
Just out of idle curiosity I did a google search on the ADDRESS, and it came up on the foreclosure list. http://www.foreclosuresus.com/earthlink/listings.asp?state=LA